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2014 lunocet

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A small observation. Picked up a new Finis center snorkel for surface swimming. Works nice but AA's expectation that weighted gloves feel heavy out there comes true on the surface. Honestly I feel none of that submerged from the weighted gloves. Luno also feels best submerged.
Sorry if I may be slightly cynical after waiting for 5+ months, but if it's now rebranded as 2015 Lunocet, does that mean we can expect until 2015 for it to actually be delivered?
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Good question Sims!

I sense that we may be finally at the point where the ultimate shipping problem is overcome..... At least temporarily.

That problem has been that Ted's personality forces him to accept verbal and economic beatings in preference to shipping a product that in his view fails to express the very best of his concepts and capabilities on that day.

I think the new computing equipment added has sped up the process so much that Lunocet manufacturing has caught up to Ted's ideas and creative demands... Maybe even become a bit futuristic so he can comfortably SHIP LUNOCETS !!!!!!
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Probably should point out that the Pro was much different than the 2014 Classic and that the 2015 Lunocet Pro once again, though true to the Luno concepts, is a drastic step forward in the bio mimicking evolution.

Development examples: The foot pads now have an angle adjustment, the peduncle has a new vertebrae and spring and ultimate flex limit, the flukes themselves have grown in size but grown even more in expressing Ted's concepts.

Some of the latest fluke advancement is not apparent to even an informed observer and will be held proprietary so that imitation may be delayed.

It's not just rebranding the same device with insignificant tweeks!!


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I am getting quite confused. Could someone please clarify what exactly you will get now, if you purchased a Pro 2014 earlier in the year but have not yet received any notification of its progress.
Do you automatically get the Pro 2015?
If not automatic could you upgrade without extra cost incurred?
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I have some numbers on the upgrade kit for those who have received a 2014 Pro... because the flukes are not changed much and they are good, the upgrade to 2015 flukes will be the same as a 2014 upgrade from the classic, $249 plus shipping. However, because the spring/ peduncle design for the 2014 Pro is working but only just for some applications, the upgrade for the parts is $0, plus shipping. So you can get a new spring and peduncle vertebrae with additional hinge pin at no charge except the cost of shipping. I will have this up on the site to order shortly. I will have pics of the 2015 early next week. Chipswim is getting the first one but I will be shipping like mad all week next week.
Wow! Couldn't be more enthused. Looking forward to getting it in the water right away. Expecting a memorable experience.

Believing this 2015 Luno is the one we've all been searching for that can attract lots of swimmers in a short time...
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Up early before morning swim. One of the last with my trusty 2014 Luno I hear....!...
I'm Like a kid anticipating Christmas morning. Visions of bright
Green vertebrae shaped gum drops dancing in my head all night......

Realizing there's some responsibility involved in reporting on the first shipped Luno 2015...

Anticipating the beginning of a flood of shipments close behind rather than the beginning of a slow trickle like the Pro was.

Therefore plan to reflect on experiences right away rather than accumulating data for a more technical report. Hopefully within a very few days there will be a bunch of us in the water spreading euphoria !
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I really believe that the new spring/peduncle setup will show what the Pro lunocet is capable of...and the 2015 model will be even better. I am committed enough at this point that both of my other big monofins are going on the auction block to be sold! Yes, the Nemo and the Glide will both be sold soon. Fantastic to be a witness to the evolution of the Lunocet fin! And, as Chip and I said, those who have waited a long time will be rewarded with a better product than if it had been delivered quickly. It is worth the wait to get the best!
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I hope that in 4 weeks everyone has received their fluke's in good order, and they are living up to the expectations.

I hope Ted's delivery logistics improve with similar rate to his fluke construction design.

Now AA has to do yet another review and comparison.
I have some numbers on the upgrade kit for those who have received a 2014 Pro... because the flukes are not changed much and they are good, the upgrade to 2015 flukes will be the same as a 2014 upgrade from the classic, $249 plus shipping. However, because the spring/ peduncle design for the 2014 Pro is working but only just for some applications, the upgrade for the parts is $0, plus shipping. So you can get a new spring and peduncle vertebrae with additional hinge pin at no charge except the cost of shipping. I will have this up on the site to order shortly. I will have pics of the 2015 early next week. Chipswim is getting the first one but I will be shipping like mad all week next week.
Any news on how to obtain this spring/peduncle upgrade kit ? Nothing regarding this on the site
Enjoyed a call with Ted earlier today. All the aluminum parts have dedicated machines and are set for full Luno production.

Same for the rubber components except that a device crucial to controlling temps in the molding process for the flukes took an untimely vacation.... Actually it malfunctioned. A new one is expected to arrive tomorrow. That should reestablish the optimistic time line.

He did get a test unit made before that happened.....

He is pleased with his test swims but confident he can milk a bit more performance because of that swimming observation. He's chasing all the performance parameters but especially acceleration.

AA has agreed to continue with his nice evaluations. Hopefully my general impressions will mesh well with his analysis. If there is a carrot to dangle I'll dangle it till he can generate the nice numerical and photo info we've come to expect.
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Enjoyed a call with Ted earlier today. All the aluminum parts have dedicated machines and are set for full Luno production.

Same for the rubber components except that a device crucial to controlling temps in the molding process for the flukes took an untimely vacation.... Actually it malfunctioned. A new one is expected to arrive tomorrow. That should reestablish the optimistic time line.

He did get a test unit made before that happened.....

He is pleased with his test swims but confident he can milk a bit more because of that swimming observation. He's chasing all the performance parameters but especially acceleration.

AA has agreed to continue with his nice evaluations. Hopefully my general impressions will mesh well with his analysis. If there is a carrot to dangle I'll dangle it till he can generate the nice numerical and photo info we've come to expect.
Thanks for the "dangling" buddy : ) so I take it you have not either received your first 2015 model ?
Is the delay for the new flukes, or also for the new spring. If they are produce able, then I guess Ted could start shipping those to people who have the 2014 model and finally hoping to use it...
Thanks a lot for the update, and keep us posted on how things roll...

Yes your deductions are correct. On the bright side I'm still swimming my 2014 Classic regularly and it continues to hold up very very well. Supplementing the stock spring with my exo spring is the only significant modification. I think it's performing right now the best I've ever had it.... So all components (except the stock spring) are acting like new after well over a year of nearly daily use and abuse.

I'd love to experience either of the two newer fluke sets on my exo peduncle. It looks like we may just jump ahead skipping that step.

It's approaching four years since starting my journey with Lunocet and we've come so sooooo far. Durability of the peduncle frame was an issue then. Now the peduncle is very tough. The flukes themselves have expanded and become biomimicking works of functional art. The price of owning a Luno has dropped precipitously compared to my first one too. I find that incredible in today's world!

I actually expect this 2015 release will be the first truely commercially viable model of Lunocet. That does require the 2015 spring and extra vertebrae peduncle to exhibit the performance and durability expected.

I think our thread is currently occupied by the few and the proud... The early adopters.... The pioneers.... But the curious and those waiting for the product they can just order and swim away with will be soon to follow if we've arrived where I think we have.

Convinced we'll know much more very shortly.
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Yes your deductions are correct. On the bright side I'm still swimming my 2014 Classic regularly and it continues to hold up very very well. Supplementing the stock spring with my exo spring is the only significant modification. I think it's performing right now the best I've ever had it.... So all components (except the stock spring) are acting like new after well over a year of nearly daily use and abuse.

I'd love to experience either of the two newer fluke sets on my exo peduncle. It looks like we may just jump ahead skipping that step.

It's approaching four years since starting my journey with Lunocet and we've come so sooooo far. Durability of the peduncle frame was an issue then. Now the peduncle is very tough. The flukes themselves have expanded and become biomimicking works of functional art. The price of owning a Luno has dropped precipitously compared to my first one too. I find that incredible in today's world!

I actually expect this 2015 release will be the first truely commercially viable model of Lunocet. That does require the 2015 spring and extra vertebrae peduncle to exhibit the performance and durability expected.

I think our thread is currently occupied by the few and the proud... The early adopters.... The pioneers.... But the curious and those waiting for the product they can just order and swim away with will be soon to follow if we've arrived where I think we have.

Convinced we'll know much more very shortly.
Only disagree with your last two words :D
I expect the 2015 to be a whole new world.... Probably a whole new thread.

So I guess I'll stick this near the tail end of this one. Has been quiet in here.

Debated whether to post these photos for all to see... Only of interest to Luno Archaeologists or Luno Hackers..... Likely disgusting to those who make things properly!
But I keep telling you it works GREAT! And is nearly indestructible! Decent attributes when swimming!

Mr wife walked by as I'm preparing my components of genius for shipping and asked what I was doing? ..... "Sending my exo spring to Neurodoc so he can try it with the Pro flukes".... I said proudly!

She contemplated the items on the table.... Gave proper admiration to the handle "Neurodoc" and deflateded me with her observation: Does he know THAT'S ALL IT IS !?!?

BUT IT WORKS! I protested....

Any way. I don't have the flukes. Doc doesn't have the exo... So he volunteered to become the missing link..... Some assembly required.



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Chip should know quite soon how the 2015 works, and I hope to be soon behind. I swam just an hour ago with both my Classic and Pro (just swapped flukes really!) and am looking forward to the updated 2015 dual-pivot spring for my Pro. I will be posting pictures and initial impressions/comparison when I get it. Same thing with the full 2015 model when I receive that, but I'll leave the detailed analysis and review to those who are more gifted at reviews (ApneaAddict).
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