Chrismar - azapa may be right. When I read your post something bothered me - then I went to the pool and begin doing short laps with very short intervals and had a reminder of a problem I had quite awhile ago.
My watch was recording one long dive in the pool and I was concerned - then I remembered this happened long ago with my first f.10!. I had set the BDSI to 10 seconds - I was doing 25 meters with very short intervals - about 8 seconds - so the watch was not resetting between dives. The default interval when you get the watch is 30 seconds. Unless your breatheups exceed this the watch records one long dive.
This is much more likely that a barometric problem - as you have pointed out.
I want to say - I have used or supervised the use of 7 f10v2s - 6 of these were beta tests. The only problems I found involved some firmware revisions which were made quite quickly and well before the watch was released.
I don't know if Carla's issue mentioned in the V2 thread was a user error or a defective watch - but she has since posted that the watch is working well in another thread.
Considering he was my safety while I was doing statics and the watch was sitting on the grating at the time, I doubt it.