Originally posted by Shadowkiller
In order for such a monster fish to count as a record:
1. Divers must be freediving when they spear and land their catch. The use of artificial breathing devices is not allowed at any time (e.g., to retrieve the speared fish).
2. Divers must remain in the water and unassisted until the fish is subdued.
3. Divers must retain contact with their float and/or line at all times. If contact is lost, they must re-establish contact while remaining in the water. No assistance may be provided, except that other divers or persons out of the water may inform the diver as to the location of the fish or floats. The diver may hold onto their floats, but may not rest upon them.
4. While potentially dangerous, the use of bait or lures is allowed, provided that with the use of bait, divers make and distribute it themselves, unassisted (bait used for this purpose must be captured by the diver using it), or in the case of lures, they carry them themselves.
5. Fish must be free-swimming, unrestricted by nets, traps, fishing lines or other devices.
6. Fish must not be in an artificial environment such as penned-in bays, or in close proximity to fish nets or fish rearing pens.
7. The catch must follow all laws and regulations governing the species or the waters in which the fish was caught.
8. Another diver may provide a second or additional unloaded gun to the spearfisher, provided they do not assist the diver in any way to subdue their catch.
9. Fish mutilated by anything other than the spearfishing equipment of the applicant are not allowed.
10. The use of artificial light sources for night spearfishing is not allowed.
From the IUSA website...