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Bizzy Blue Hole

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Thanks Ben - looks like a good excuse to me! Keep me posted on when you're there and I'll head over (if the ferry ever gets going again!)
Nice Update Sebastian! and Nice photo's Natalie! The red freediver suit does really look cool!

I'm very much looking forward to the next update!

Thank you,

Looks like great fun out there, best of luck to all especially the English crowd (and our adopted ones like Anna :D )

Look forward to the updates Sebastian.
1. I wish I had ordered a red suit - it does look cool
2. I wish I was in Dahab and not at a desk studying

: (
Go George!!! Well done you, bet you didn't think you were going to win a freedive comp out there did you?

Looking forward to the photos.
I've got to say, I heard the Blue hole was breath taking, but now...once I've seen it: Awesome ;)

The Magic 3 and Team static were so much fun ! Distracting went really crazy at the end with the danish team rofl

1st day of competition really went great and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
Glad to hear it went well Sanne.

So what was today - CNF, CW, FIM? Any results to post?

Everybody could choose what they'd wanna do. I'm off to a registration in half an hour so maybe they have some results for us then.

I put up the starting list for today at my website yesterday. I'll try and do the same for tomorrow.
6th day of competitions ended. The first day of Aida comps went well. 8 beginners, a few national record holders, a world champion, a world record holder, some women, some men, some red cards, many white cards, some went to deep, other had easy dives, others did PB in comp... well the usuall stuff.

Check the photos:
Freedive in Dahab april 2008

Cool results, well done everyone (so far).

What happened to Sara - LMC?

I hear on the grapevine that one of the UK representatives added a little something to his surface protocol :yack Anyone care to elaborate? rofl
Elizabeth Kristoffersen:


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Reactions: BennyB
Weine Gustavsson & Sara Campbell

1st day competitions


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Maria Livjberg & ...? I dont remember the name:(


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Exiting! Cool pictures!

How went today's competition day?

How did Daan Verhoeven go? Any improvements over his fresh 44CNF Dutch record?
Sanne Buurma?


Constantly pressing F5 ... ;)


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