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Bizzy Blue Hole

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Unfortunately I had to miss the trip to the Desert and fly back to miserable London instead. I had a great time at bizzi blue hole - thanks to Sebastian, Annelie, Hanli and Rahel for organising such a great event!

The yellow duck was a pleasure to dive from, although hearing shouts of "we are sinking, we are sinking" while getting my 30sec countdown for the UFC competition was a bit special. The German filmcrew paddled around in the blue hole in a yellow canoe to get close to the action - I think they might have accidentally knocked the odd freediver out of the way, ooops - but they had a great time and were very excited about the whole event. The story is going out on ZDF this afternoon between five and six, so anyone who gets German TV can take a look! There should be some great underwater footage of Sara's 70m FIM and shots of the action on the duck.

I'll be back in Dahab in May, hoping to see lots of freedivers out there!
50MB, 11 min DivX
This is not the end.
Its not even the beginning of the end.

But Bizzy Blue Hole is over.
Last updates here:
Freedive in Dahab april 2008

Now we are just waiting for the participants to resettle in their offices, classrooms, gardens, houses, vehicles... and maybe send some photos and other reflections.

I left Hanli and Dave and Jacob with new PB´s on my last day in the Blue Hole.

Half the way through the 1st week the internet connection at the hotel failed on me...and there was no repair at hand...so that's why the posts stopped hehe. But I've updated them back to the day internet stopped at Nesima ;)

But I have to say it's been a wonderful competition. Later this week I will fill the photo gallery and if i find some time I'll compile a few movie clips.


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Here's a video we made right after the comp, freediving the canyon:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfZ7CG66Khw]YouTube - Freediving the Canyon, Dahab[/ame]
Great vid', nice pics..! :p
Next year I really want to be in the place. I was there (training at the Desert Divers) the week before the begining of the Bizzy BH, waiting for secretly the BBH freedivers to dive with them...

Thank you Linda and others keeping the 'home-front' informed with your experiences and adventures.

Linda since you've been named the master of 'pissing - off' can you share us with some history how and when this hobby was born, and how you acquired these unique skills, 'walking the tight rope'?

Sebastian, any chance we see intermediate competition results lists?
Thanks Sebastian, and Cheers to Daan for pushing it so close to your PB!

Keep it coming,

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding how your table works Sebastian. What do all the numbers represent?

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding how your table works Sebastian. What do all the numbers represent?


The numbers represent random gibberish, meant to coax people like you and me into believing there is some sort of competition going on. After looking through the table it became obvious that this competition is just another April fools joke. Too bad, it seemed kind of exciting for a while.
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Reactions: samdive and BennyB
It seems some of the data has been confused... (Jakob Jansen and Daan times?)

And what was the last STA of Elisabeth?
sebastian, this will cost you something.
plus, it's not my blog being vulgar; your athletes are. i'm just reporting what's going on.
I think that for that impertinent note, Sebastian deserves a special paragraph in your blog, Linda. BTW, what kind of bribes do you accept to keep someone off your radar? Just for the case I come to Dahab once.

EDIT: ahh, just went back to the blog, and the paragraph Sebastian so well deserved was already there! Good job!

EDIT 2: ouch! I am doomed! The vodka-mask Sebastian sells was my discovery. All my fault. Looks like I won't even try thinking about coming to Dahab. Not even with bribes.
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Freedive in Dahab april 2009

But we actually used this startorder: 1-5 3-7 2-6 4-8 based on previous ranking.

No, it was no joke, it was quite a hard competition, very cold, hard to keep motivated, all divers do deep training every day and changing into static mood is hard.

It was three heats. The table shows the result in each heat (but in the mens first heat there is a mistake (all three times from the following heats are there).

Linda just uses the only way she knows to get attention - being sexist and slandering (at least I lie to get attention, thats more decent I would say)

Oh and well she managed to train some half decent athletes and formed a team aswell. Some kind of Trojan intrusion by Freedive Dahab. We where a bit surprised by Flavia and could not stop her. But in the mens heat we stopped their diver. I had to put on a suit myself and get in and beat that young danish talent Jacob.

We still have not come up with any counter measure to their diver Marek that does around CNF 60. But will think of something.


PS. Slandering Linda claims to have a video of me having LMC in the Head-to-head. She will be duly sued for that. I have never had LMC in all my life, and there is no such video circulating. And she sells noseclips that comes of at depth, I got my sinuses filled at 19 metres.
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