Sounds like a good chap, I'd vote for him. MP rather than MEP this time. And he is...a Conservative.And another from the soon to be last dairy farmer in the House of Commons...
Dear SurfnSpear,
Thank you for contacting me about the implications that the European Union’s actions may have for spearfishing.
As I understand, spearfishing is the only form of fishing which is entirely selective in the capture of fish and when compared to other fishing methods has a negligible impact on fish stocks and zero by-catch. I realise that the vast majority of spearfishermen only take fish for their own consumption, and so such legislation pairing projectiles with poisons and explosives in a list of destructive fishing practises seems rather extreme.
As you are aware, the current legislation – Article 31 of Council Regulation 850/98 –permits spear fishing, but prohibits the sale of fish caught using a projectile. This is being replaced with Article 12, which states that ‘the catching, retention on board, transhipment, storage, landing, sale, display or offer for sale of marine organisms caught using methods incorporating the use of explosives, poisonous or stupefying substances, electric current or any kind of projectile shall be prohibited.’ Though the legal clarification has not been confirmed, this change may indeed lead to spearfishing being outlawed.
Recreational fishing is enjoyed by more than 4 million people in England and Wales every year, and is therefore one of the nation’s favourite outdoor participation sports. I recognise that the annual economic activity associated with angling is estimated to be worth £2.75 billion. I will therefore closely follow developments regarding the replacement of Article 31 with Article 12 in the next few weeks.
Yours sincerely
Richard Benyon MP
Member of Parliament for Newbury
House of Commons
London, SW1A 0AA
Tel. 020 7219 8319
Fax 020 7219 4059
Constituency tel. 01635 551070
(There's talk of the EU getting rid of milk quotas on the news today - way, way too late for most though
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