Sorry if I wasn't clear enough, but Ted said what I meant.
THe Kelpies worked great on the surface because of the blade angle. The classics not only made noise on the surface, but also make a distinct "thwacking" sound when swimming underwater that I didn't hear with the other fins that I tried. Still, they are half the price of the other fins and fit a certain price point inbetween plastic and fiber so you can't complain too much about them.
I have to say that I am, once again, very imppressed by the quality and detail that go into the Specialfins. They have a great rubber rail that goes around the entire fin. It goes from thin, under the rails, to thick along the lower part of the blade to make rails, and then wraps around the bottom edge to protect the fin tip. Now, compare these to my C4's, which are exposed at the tip, and you have some impressive detail.
It doesn't end there though because that upper rial, the thin one, offers a great place for your foot pocket rails to clamp onto. Contrast that to my C4 blades, which only have a thin cord of carbon fiber glued onto the top and bottom edges of the blades for you foot pockets to clamp onto.
Mine have almost totally fallen off and I have had to reglue them at least once. If you go back through some old posts on blade repair you'll see pictures of what I am talking about.
Jyri, from Speacialfins, sent me some of his rubber rail material to glue onto my C4's, but I would have to completely remove the carbon rail remenets to put them on. I guess that I will wait a little longer, like until they come all the way off, before I do that. Maybe Mark knows if they have fixed this problem?
THe Kelpies worked great on the surface because of the blade angle. The classics not only made noise on the surface, but also make a distinct "thwacking" sound when swimming underwater that I didn't hear with the other fins that I tried. Still, they are half the price of the other fins and fit a certain price point inbetween plastic and fiber so you can't complain too much about them.
I have to say that I am, once again, very imppressed by the quality and detail that go into the Specialfins. They have a great rubber rail that goes around the entire fin. It goes from thin, under the rails, to thick along the lower part of the blade to make rails, and then wraps around the bottom edge to protect the fin tip. Now, compare these to my C4's, which are exposed at the tip, and you have some impressive detail.
It doesn't end there though because that upper rial, the thin one, offers a great place for your foot pocket rails to clamp onto. Contrast that to my C4 blades, which only have a thin cord of carbon fiber glued onto the top and bottom edges of the blades for you foot pockets to clamp onto.
Mine have almost totally fallen off and I have had to reglue them at least once. If you go back through some old posts on blade repair you'll see pictures of what I am talking about.
Jyri, from Speacialfins, sent me some of his rubber rail material to glue onto my C4's, but I would have to completely remove the carbon rail remenets to put them on. I guess that I will wait a little longer, like until they come all the way off, before I do that. Maybe Mark knows if they have fixed this problem?