water temp : 16 C
max depth : 7.5m
max dive time : 1.19mins
no of dives : 23
Well headed out after work (there were scorch marks on the doors on the way out...) with Pete to see if we could find a few fish.
Thought that the east looked nice so parked up and finally found Pete (there are 4 possible carparks that I could have meant apparently Pete tried them all
I knew where I meant !), changed and I thought I'd try the 3mm suit today as my brother is over soon and I was thinking of lending him my 5mm as I doubt he is acclimatised to the sea yet.
Pretty strong currents and we headed out to an offshore reef to hopefully have a look in the lea for a bass and also for a bream or two. Bream have been caught in the last two weeks so we were hopeful...
Really strong currents... But we got to where we needed to be. About 5m above bootlace that broke into kelp and then tumbled down to mixed gravel and sand at about 8m or so.
We were both fishing aspetto and Pete is getting good at it but both of us found it hard in the current. Came across a small area right out of the current and one went down while the other stayed to keep an eye out and mark the start of the breathe up.
I shot a nice 3 pound bass on aspetto - just a solitary one - let it bottom out (reels are nice
) and then went down to retrieve it.
A boat was about coming through the channel at the other end of the bay past all the moored boats so we hugged a rock and waited about 3 minutes until it drew level - I thought it might have been Dave's boat (about the right time if you had been coming back) but instead the guy yelled at us that we should have a bobber... Maybe but with two of us having seen him about 500m away and patiently waiting until he was past with two spearguns in the air I guess that was good enough (no legal requirement for us to carry floats according tothe harbour master... But according to him boats need to avoid divers in the water, so perhaps they should have taken a course that didn't bring them within 5m of us [we were on an inside channel - and anyway they headed over to Herm after seeing us... weird])...
Anyway we drifted down to a small island taking the occasional drop down to the bottom while the other watched for boats. Really nice to drift with the current at about 5knots(?), I came across a large bass (I reckon at lest 6 pounds) that was sitting in the current - I drifted over it and rolled under to get a shot but as I rolled it buggered off.... Anyway hit the island and fished on the point that sits on the edge of the current.
More aspetto in about 5m onto bootlace - we were both seeing alot of 'big ass bass'... I landed a 5.5 pound bass that I noticed at the corned of my vision and waited for it to swim across behind some weed before swinging to where I thought it might come out - lucky me
Nice head shot too. It bottomed and I went down after a bit of surface time to grab it.
Time was ticking and Pete had a meal to make so we beetled back to a small bay (you might know this one Dave ?!) to look for Dave's bream but sadly another 3 pound head shot bass making a trio for me and none for Pete... to be fair I was alongside Pete and he didn't shoot the larger one out of the shoal so after 10secs I thought what the hell and lined up for a head shot.
A bit of monstrous swimming back across the 'river' and home...
I was planning a 3am start tomorrow but this turned into a 5am start but this is waning to a 'sod-it have a lie in' start ... so maybe in the afternoon.
Pics to come later... Happy diving - Ed