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Lake Geneva October 6th

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Will you be able to make it on Oct. 6th?

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Whopperhead, there's 3 boat launches at Geneva Lake.

1- Lake Geneva
2. Fontana
3. Williams Bay

Oh, and it's easy to identify me - I drive pink and white Geo Tracker :)
Looks like I'm in now too...I can't really afford to take the days off I was gonna to go hunting up north - Too much work pouring in to my business lately...:) But I can't complain!

If there is no room on the boat since i am a late-comer, I toally understand...I'll just bring my Yak and hang out in Williams Bay near the old water safety building area. I know that area well anyways.

P.S. - Whopperhead: Thanks for the "deal of the century"...You are just TOO COOL Scott :)! See you soon!
How bout williams bay as a starting point? 10am - So, I think that is 5 fo sho's and 2 more than likely's - but ya'lls not filling out the POLL. AS far as room on the boat- I plan on taking the seats out- to make more room for the gear.

If someone who lives closer- thinks we should meet at a different point let me know- I'm up for anything- and this is my first time to this lake.
[ame=http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=&ie=UTF8&t=h&om=1&ll=42.578477,-88.535439&spn=0.003389,0.009838&z=17]Google Maps[/ame]
that would be williams bay - we could meet there- if that area isn't going to work for us- we'll just take the boat to a different area. 10am Launch time
Willams Bay has a nice-big- boat launch just off of 67 in the town of Williams Bay. Plenty of Parking should be available. You can't miss it...Where 67 runs into a "tee" near the lake just go left...Can't miss it. :head

I'd say a good starting point for the day would be just off of Conference Point...Plenty of fish shallow - Then there is a shoal...And then there is a sheer cliff that drops pretty much straight down into 120 feet! I'm sure Nostres would like to play there!:t

Also anywhere in 7 to 35 f.o.w. just south of Conference Point - there are plenty of fishes to see and spear (close to the old Water Safety Building). These are the ONLY spots I am familiar with.

If there are too many on the boat I can always go in at a private spot I've secured permission from the owner's near Camp Norman Barr - No need to bring my yak then.;)
Well I know I've had 6 grown men in my boat FISHING! We could probably fit I would think 7-8- I'd have to check with my Life Jacket situation- If anything- We could do a couple trips if we have to.
I will not be able to make it Sat...I'm in duck hunting mode right now...Hope you guys have a great time. :head

As far as an Ice mask...I ended up making one that worked pretty good last year at the ice dive...Elios sent some extra material...some 5mm 7 some 7mm, I cut into a rectangle that went over my face...under the mask, & down to my chin...I cut a small opening to fit in the snorkel & sewed on some velcro straps to secure around the back of my head...worked great.

I'll bring the brats, kraut and a healthy appetite for killin.


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OMER equipment has arrived! 5mm open cell suit. Cayman HF 90cm gun! Techno Float. I'm ready to go.

90cm gun is long! I wanted a 75, but they didn't have one, so I went to the 90. I'm wondering if I should have gone to the Cayman Carbon 75cm. I'm sure it will all work out and some carp will die.
ILDiver- The Carbon would of been nice- you would be able to let the gun go after the shot and it would float! But they are more costly. If this your first time in a "open cell" suit? have you put it on yet? Clip those finger nails! I can't wait to see your new gear! :fridayThe weather looks to be ok on Sat. Maybe a show in the late afternoon- but that's what they say ---NOW - who knows as we actually get closer. I think we have 4 guys "for sure" and 2 more "are going to try". Should be a Great time! There will be Brats! :friday
Make it Sunday and you'd have a fifth.

I could probably do both days if there is a place I can sleep. Is there camping at the lake or near by? Or a hotel maybe.

This is the first time in an open cell. I've used older wetsuits in the past that were hard to get into, but they all had linings. I'm not sure how long ago open cell stopped being used for scuba suits. Funny, you pay more for it to be easy to get on and and less warmth.

Whopperhead, where did you get your steel stringers? I went to a couple places here, but they did not have the steel hoops. I know my dad could get two and send them up from Florida, but not in time for the weekend. If you bought them up there and could pck me up 2 I could pay you back. And, the float line, if I could use one that would be great.
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Oh, Whopperhead, the Cayman Carbon 75cm is $20.00 cheaper than the HF. The HF is also supposed to have improved floatability. We'll see.

Edit: I just found a post saying it's approximitly neutral on bouyancy. That was a 100 and in salt water though.
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The stringers I got off of LiesurePRO.com - I can't go on sunday- I have family coming up for the day. BUT........I am on Vacation till OCTOBER 17th- So, If anyone wants to go out and would like a dive buddy- I'm available! (after 11am monday-Thurs) anytime on Fridays,Saturdays and limited on Sundays. That's is really nice to have the floatability in the speargun!

Jon- I wish I could switch it to Sunday- but with Family traveling up here- I'd hate to ask them not to come. People are welcome to go out on both days. I will double check with my Mom and make SURE they are coming on Sunday- otherwise, I'd be willing to do both days myself.
Saturday is my busy day with the family, and my day to get my long run in outside- I start out early and meet up with them at the Farmer's Market for the day. It's an every weekend kind of thing so Sunday's are my diving days.

First time with the opencell suit I would go heavy on the lube- 50/50 hair conditioner mix and lots of spray to make it slide on easy. The next time you put it on use a little less. There's a section on the Elios website that shows pictures on how to put it on- and take it off.

There is a state campground down there but Ihave never stayed there- Bigfoot Beach state park. WDNR - Big Foot Beach State Park

I could handle two days...Anyone who wants can flop on my couch or in my office on the futon. Either way...I'll be there at the Williams Bay launch Saturday...Is that what's been decided? And what time?

You guys with them 3000cm guns are pumped for carp hey? I've been hearing (even saw pictures) about 15 inch crappies in 20-25 fow off of Conference Point...5 or 6 of them would be just fine with me! We can go anywhere on the lake really - I just don't have a clue as to where carp would be very thick at in this lake. I HAVE seen carp almost every trip there though. But usually only two or three. I would on a personal level want to try 60 feet since there will be so many guys around as safety. I've only done 45 feet so far - My PB...It was DARK down there! We'll see how my asthma is that day.

I wonder why there are NO dive charters on Lake Geneva...You would think there would be...Great dive conditions almost year 'round.

The clock is ticking guys....Come on Saturday!:t

Again...If someone wants to go back Sunday I'd be willing - Just no boat...We can always head out from the old or new safety building though.

Whopperhead...Please don't forget the speargun and floatline...I need you to show me how that thing works! Maybe I'll actually be able to get one of those wary carp! :martial

Below is a recent pic of some crappies a guy caught by hook & line just the other day... Sorry such a SMALL pic.

See you guys Saturday!!!
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