Hi Doug, nice advertisement, like Fondueset explained great alignment, nice colours too.
On thing though, in the field of Trux was hinting at, the text; at parts it's hard to read becaus it stands to little out from the background. In order to preserve the colour alignment I suggest a thin dark or black glow around the letters.
I have another idea, maybe you want to give a special guarantee of replacement of their computer in case they succeed in breaking their F10 in an official AIDA competition? Or some variation with for instance breaking an National CWT, FIM, CNF record, within the first year of purchase, or limit until the end of 2010?
You can call it "F10 broken Records", and have a hall of fame on your F10 webpage.
Maybe offer a price for the first person to do a F10 broken record for CNF?
In CWT for men Martin has already claimed the first price, but who will take the FIM?
For the Women all are still open for grabs, will Natalia be the first, or Sara, or ...
I love to see and test the F10, I'll tell my friends about it.
Love, Courage and Water,