Bellboy, we have beaten this topic to death in one other thread. Mr X said it again, he (we , a lot of us) do not train for time or depth. This way we are never chasing the numbers, and they (numbers) have no meaning anyway. Aside form numbers being useless, there is no fish "to die for" either. To put it into the right perspective, the fishing spot where I spearfish has taken a few lives already.
Since you asked twice, I will give you the rough figures. I am not sure I can word it correctly to get the message across. Most new freedivers get rather quickly, within a year of training, to about 2 minutes dive times, and to about 30 meter depth. You will get there when you are ready, without having to push boundaries of safety, so there is no point in trying to get there with deliberate effort.
Apnea tables teach you how to defeat your body's built-in safety margin. They are developed for competitive freedivers who dive in controlled environment, with safety divers all around, crystal clear piss-warm waters, and they still manage to die on occasion.
Ok, my last try and then I will shut up. Tell me, how much you enjoyed doing breath hold tables in your lazybody chair? Was it fun? Pleasure? Or was it nothing but pain. Imagine that you will get better at breath hold diving while doing enjoyable, easy breath hold diving. In the water. With spear gun.