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Spearfishing on scuba

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Fondu...I put a reply up to some of your thought but pulled it because deeperblue has never tolerated politics or religion in its threads. You read the stuff in the freedive section so I know this isnt news to you. If you would like to continue this I suggest we PM each other.

*note*I am not a forum leader but most of us know whats allowed and whats not. :eek:
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You don't have a free reign at politics in here. This is not a political discussion forum.

The discussions in here have been reasonably heated and several members have been right on the edge of acceptable behaviour in this forum. Needless to say i'm keeping a very close eye on this thread and will be advising the team to edit or remove posts where we find unacceptable behaviour.

May I point everyone to the Forum Rules here: http://forums.deeperblue.net/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_faq_rules In particular the sections quoted below:

The Deeper Blue Forums is a place where it's okay to be yourself -- be that harried, jovial, silly or sad -- as long as you always act with respect for your fellow members. We promise that you won't have to leave your personality at the door. We promise to bring passion to our work and to our community and to act with appreciation for our members. We will willingly listen to your suggestions and complaints, and try to incorporate your ideas in everything we do.
Pretend you run these forums, ok so in essence you do. Before you hit the submit button think if you would allow that post on your site or on your forums. Only you can prevent Spam and cross posting. Our Volunteer Staff are here to help you so if you have a problem e-mail it or post your request in the forums. We have many members covering various areas of disciplines and skill levels. They are all willing to help you at the drop of a hat.

If you've been caught or accused of a wrongdoing don't get irrational. Most of the time we revoke privileges as a safety measure not as a personal vendetta and we are usually just as quick to reinstate them, as we were to revoke them. Just e-mail us and ask what happened. If you know what happened write your side of the story and tell us why you think it was ok or why you know it was wrong.
Don't attack others. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully ... without insult and personal attack.
you must have been typing at the same time I was editing my post Stephen!!!!

Probably! But you are right on the ball with your last post. Politics and Relion are not tolerated.
Sorry my last post was off topic, did not know this was a political forum. So, who saw Bush using scuba and spearfishing??

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Stephan Whelan said:
Politics and Religion are not tolerated.

Whew! The irony in that statement could keep us talking for months......let's not :duh

We get enough rhetoric on CNN/FOX/BBC/ETC. I come to DBlue to escape that shit. For a few minutes every day on DB, I get to forget that people hate each other.
Remember why we communicate here, how good you felt when you first discovered this Forum and Zine the next time the shit starts flying: take the high ground (or the deeper dive I suppose), and allow people to believe whatever they believe, but don't fuel an unstoppable fire. You can't, they wont, so leave it alone. 100 years from now we'll all be dead, and what did your rage bring you in your life? More rage. :ko
I am guilty too and will try to heed the Rules.
Have a good day you all ('y'all' as Rig would say)
Erik Y.
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I dont know about Bush but I do know Tiger Woods is an avid scuba spearfisherman....

peace out y'all rofl
Oh pants! If you've come out with ith Rig then:-
Yes Ive seen Bush spear on scuba in the Red Sea! The locals didnt like it much so they set fire to him! Now he's the burning Bush :D
+ to Rig last post,

Kevin Costner like to spear (freedive i think) halibut in California (probably) rofl
I also want to make few comments :)

1- I see myself as a hunter not a sportment, i do the sport in the gym.I preffer the "no-sex" monk life, to "no hunt" life. Yes i got the thrill while hunting on land or underwater. I like to kill animals if they are potential food to me. So what??? Its better than killing people.

2-I don't like to pay anything to bloody mindless, asshole commercial fishers for fish. I won't support them more to destroy the whole thing.

3- I hate people who does not respect their prey and environment, whether scuba guy or freediver.
nmoiras said:
Become the silent hunter.............leave bubbles and noise for the americans who only care about the easy way (see bombs)
Become the silent poster............. leave suds, bubbles and hammocks for the greeks who only care about the back-door way.
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I am not usually one who particpates in these debates but I felt I had to on this one.
I am a land and sea hunter, I hunt ducks ,deer and turkeys as well as fish. I hunt with a bow,muzzloader or shotgun or speargun. Its not about what tool you use or what you are hunting it is just about the experience. there is nothing better than the rush you get when you see that 10 pointer coming in or that turkey responding to your calling or seeing that big bass suddenly appear in front of you. I dont spearfish on scuba, but I did, and have no problem with it. In my mind it is almost more work to drag your gear down the rocks, get it all on, find a safe place to get in and then do it all in reverse when done. Freedive spearfishing is just much more simplified,but the objective is the same.And around here I almost always catch more than the scuba diver.
As far as the greek guy diving in front of the scuba diver, who are you to tell him what to do if he wasn't breaking the law? You are lucky he didn't try to see if you could hold your breath longer than his tank would last.
In the end its whatever floats your boat.
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Your words suggest that you really think that spearos do greater damage to the resourse than pollution or overfishing by other types of gear. That runs contrary to the opinion of every fishery biologist I know. From where does your opinion come?? I'm a fishery biologist, fisheries manager for 10 years, avid spearo free diver and reasonably familiar with published fisheries research. A friend of mine did some of the first research on changes in fish populations due to the presence of spearos. I don't have a clue as to what possible rational basis there could be for your opinion. Please enlighten me. A pm would be fine.

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nmoiras said:
Furthermore the presence of divers is strictly restricted to the upper zone, where photosynthesis takes place and the whole food circle starts.

Yes. But shooting a fish in 0-10m doesn't disrupt photosynthesis.
The last time I shot my baglimit of Algae and Phytoplankton was a long time ago... These days I focus on the much bigger Zooplankton. My best is a Cophepod of 0.5mm. Massive... rofl

The photosynthetic zone is home to the plankton feeders. Unless you are targeting these baitfish you will have little effect on the food chain carry through. There is no way you can have an affect on the fundamental level of the food chain by "forcing" plankton feeding fish deeper. They have to eat, so they have to feed at, or near the surface. Predatory fish like the groupers may well find homes in deep water to escape daytime annoyances, but they still need to eat... Unless you spend 24hrs in the water, theres no way you can say "spearo X has caused fish Y to migrate to deeper water".

Fact: In NSW (Australia) spearfishing is very popular.
Fact: In NSW spearfishing represents less than 2% of the recreational fishing effort.
Fact: Fisheries scientists acknowledge spearfishing as the most sustainable and least harmful form of fishing.

What the European fisheries bodies need to do is grow some balls, and start thinking of the future. The NA Cod fishery has been wiped out, due to political inertia. The Med is a stagnant pond of pollutants. Time to start making the polluters pay, and pay dearly. But with so many countries having coastline, its going to be a political sh*tfight to get anything done. And then theres the Japanese with their driftnets, after the EU banned Euro countries from using them in the Med... :rcard
Don't think this an attack Nmoiras, but I'd wager the Carbon Dioxide your ranting gives off or the generation of the electricity that your computer requires does more to harm the planet and oceans than my annual take of fish, mollusks and crustaceans. :hmm
icarus pacific said:
the electricity that your computer requires does more to harm the planet and oceans than my anal intake of fish, mollusks and crustaceans. :hmm

Ouch rofl :yack :crutch
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