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Static PB's

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

What's your static PB?

  • 0:00-1:00

    Votes: 5 0.8%
  • 1:00-2:00

    Votes: 32 5.2%
  • 2:00-3:00

    Votes: 96 15.6%
  • 3:00-4:00

    Votes: 136 22.1%
  • 4:00-5:00

    Votes: 164 26.7%
  • 5:00-6:00

    Votes: 121 19.7%
  • 6:00-7:00

    Votes: 40 6.5%
  • 7:00+

    Votes: 20 3.3%

  • Total voters
Nice and comforting to hear that from you Skarz.
I'm sure your next holiday season is going to be much better diving than the previous one :) You'll too be like the water, what a wonderfull feeling isn't it?

Be sure to keep us informed about your discoveries and progress :) It's nice to read!
Well i stopped doing PB's every day after i realised im going to kill myself that way :) i've been running and jump roping, boxing, anything to stay in shape. I'm still stuck at about the 1 minute range..... 40-50 seconds is my average.
Is there any credibility to the amount of people doing 7+ on the poll?

Just for the story.
Hey Baur,

There are loads of super athletes on this forum.

Not sure if 100% are legit but a lot of DB members are well capable of 7 mins.

Not me though ;)

7:00 category a bit skewed ;)


Someone corrupted the poll by voting many, many times for the 7:00 category. The median static PB for forum members is probably still in the 4:00 to 5:00. However, the median might be getting better -- I know that I went from the 3:00-4:00 to the 4:00-5:00 category since I've been here and I know that lot's of others have moved up a slot or two.

At the very least, I think that it's time for a new poll.

What would be cooler is if we could devise a way to gather data that:

- Had better resolution (i.e. folks could give their PBs in mm:ss format) and
- allowed folks to send in new data when they progressed.
- was structured such that it the data could be deemed reasonably valid (this poll being a good counterexample)
7:00 category a bit skewed ;)


Someone corrupted the poll by voting many, many times for the 7:00 category. The median static PB for forum members is probably still in the 4:00 to 5:00. However, the median might be getting better -- I know that I went from the 3:00-4:00 to the 4:00-5:00 category since I've been here and I know that lot's of others have moved up a slot or two.

At the very least, I think that it's time for a new poll.

What would be cooler is if we could devise a way to gather data that:

- Had better resolution (i.e. folks could give their PBs in mm:ss format) and
- allowed folks to send in new data when they progressed.
- was structured such that it the data could be deemed reasonably valid (this poll being a good counterexample)
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Glad im not alone in observing the 7+ option had been "overclicked".

Your ideas on a more representative and "updatable" poll are quite appealing.

Perhaps PB values (static, dynamic, depth etc.) could be incorporated as an optional feature in individual user profiles.

Medians could then be continuously derived from more credible PB values, in what would be a "live poll", users being able to update their initial given values as they progress.

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That's a great idea. Having an identity tied to the stats gives folks an incentive to be honest.

BTW, www.freedivingspots.net has information like this on registered users, but itnever occurred to me that you could mine the data.
Originally posted by Erik
Pellizzari did nearly 20 minutes on pure O2, and an American Navy subject did over 20 minutes on pure 02. Then there are all the yogis pushing 25 minutes with air!
Erik Y.

Emphasis mine.

Anyone else wanna comment on this? Is it true? I honestly don't even know exactly what a yogi is - I'm guessing someone who practices yoga... I keep getting a picture of that stretchy guy from the Streetfighter video game in my head. :D

If there are really "yogis" doing statics for 25 minutes what's the big deal with the current ~8min "records"?
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The night before the CAFA nationals I did a dry pb of 8'20", first contraction at 6'18". Incredibly, I was already getting sick, and I was feverish during the actual competition, with low blood pressure etc...

My warm up for the 8'20":

2 breaths, then full pack
4'30 (3'55")
rest 1'30" without much breathing
2 breaths, then full pack
6'30 (4'45") (pb for 2 breaths breathe-up)
rest 1'30"
1'40" sub neutral breathing
20 second apnea
exhale, inhale, pack, pause, pack
8'20" (6'18") min SaO2=47% (90% @ 5'00", 86% @ 6'30")

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
Wow Eric it's nice to hear your're still edgeing forward.

I also still do, and I enjoy this journey very much. I feel much more comfortable while diving, and even in life in general.
I've moved this year from a 5:33 to 6:19 (30 may) and I feel there is a lot of room for improvements. We'll see!

Yeah, congrats! Just a year ago that would have been a world record! :) It's strange that you get contractions that late with that breathup...Is that thanks to CO2 training?
Originally posted by Kars
Wow Eric it's nice to hear your're still edgeing forward.

I also still do, and I enjoy this journey very much. I feel much more comfortable while diving, and even in life in general.
I've moved this year from a 5:33 to 6:19 (30 may) and I feel there is a lot of room for improvements. We'll see!


That was quite a big jump from 5:33 to 6:19. Congratulations!
My PB is still 5:48 willing for the 6+ if possible before the end of the year.
What kind of training or diet have you been doing for these improvements? I need some ideas..
All the best
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Originally posted by Fabio Toyama
That was quite a big jump from 5:33 to 6:19. Congratulations!
My PB is still 5:48 willing for the 6+ if possible before the end of the year.
What kind of training or diet have you been doing for these improvements? I need some ideas..
All the best

I would say I've improved on my meditation skills.
I'm learning these through 'Sungazing', which I've got of Hira Ratan Manek's site, http://www.solarhealing.com/. And I'm very greatfull.
This site is a testemony to it as well: http://www.sungazing.com/
It gives an idea what to expect through a monthly journal Mason made.

Furtermore I improved my stamina, alterd my preperation, have a bigger,warmer suit (the older one was to small arround the chest!). I'm eating less meat.

The improvement came suddenly, and unexpected. I've been stuck in the 5:33 for about 6 months. I did a nice 5:50. Four day's later I did a 6:11 :) read the details of these days on my website down the News section (just above the green formerlook picture).

Seems that my static moves in leaps also. I went from
4 min to 5:35 in three days after being stuck at 4 for about
18 months. I think it's mostly in our heads.

Stopping eating meat seems a little drastic...what will you
do with the fish you catch?
I said eating less meat, not quit eating meat.
Maybe I'll do that over time. Mostly I replace meat with fish.
I eat more fruits, more veggies, drink more water. All this helps me getting rid of the toxics in my body. Disadvantige is that I lost some fat. I'll try for eating more nuts. Eating more cheese, putting butter on the bread, eggs etc.

Pleas do not think 'm a food specialist, I'm very far from being that! I just follow Hira's directions, and I feel It works.

I read the site on sungazing - how far have you progressed with this ?

Are you following it strictly ?

If you don't mind me saying - it seems a little strange ! Don't think I am ready to give up on the food yet, I love eating a bit too much.

But it would be useful to hear what your expericences are of this sungazing. How long have you done it for and how strictly and what are the results ? Are you finding that you have more energy or are more relaxed or have less of an appetite ?

Just curious .

Eric congratulations on the 8:20 thats outta control :D

One question do you still use MAX packing on your statics, ie did you pack, pause, pack etc until completely full or do you leave room for comfort :)

Well Ed when I started back somewhere in December last year, it was winter over here.

I was also getting pretty blue (in the sad sence..) as my funds where drying up. I just got unemployed, car broke down, and some other setbacks like still not knowing what I want to do for a living ...
I remember that during fall and winter I'm more depressed than on average. Maybe I suffer from "winterdepression"?

Anyway I bumbed into this website, and red it through. I pretty ammazed, and just gave it a go. As Hira recomments I started of with a very short time, 10 seconds.
Key things are like: stand bare footed on soil (for conductivity), do not focus, surrender yourself to the sun, immagine the sun going through your eyes on to the back of your scull, only persorm at sunrise or sunset, where the sun is low and it's radiation is filterd by the air.

A few days went bye, and I suddenly I noticed a strange feeling in the lower back of my head. I had never felt it before, and it kept coming back every time I did a sungaze session. During a session, lasting about 1:30-2min at the time, the feeling set in and was strongest in the end. Appart from that strange feeling, which ebbed away in about 15 min. I felt cheered up, and more clear of mind.

After a week I went to my usual training in Eindhoven, 30KM on bike carrieng monofin suit, etc. And I noticed that I was VERY happy dispite al the troubles I were facing. Static was also very nice, and nothing could kill my happy mood. I'm nearly always happy when I go training, but this time it was different, deeper I think.

Anyway weeks went by, and the finacial rope tightend. It was a bad time, I even needed to borrow money from my parents. I was broke. I had to quit this sungazing thing, because of al the hassle and shìt I had to work through. It was still a sort of secret.

Halfway into february I started to try it again, and it helped. Pessimist views became positive ones. And I cheered up much.
Also my Sungazing skill improved. One day I stood on the roof, feeling drepressed after doing very dull dirty work, without a positive thing to look forward to. I noticed a almost institanious mood change, and I was surpriced. I gazed for a about 10 minutes and in the end I noticed that the energy did not only accumilated in the back of my head, but it now poored into the front part! wow! I was again convinced that it works, and returned to practice twice a day. My excuse is often I go for a fresh air walk.
People who see me standing and gazing often turn silent, and kids often comment "he doing some sort of yoga!"
I tell People who ask me what I'm doing that I enjoy the sun. When they ask why I tell them about "winter depression" etc.

My goal for now is not to live solely on the suns energy, but to discover al the other benefits.
It's a road of exploration.

The things I've so far experienced are:

Instant turning of my mood, from depressed to joyful.
Clearing my mind, loosing the abundant weight.
Gaining self love, After a few weeks I had it for the first time in my life, I really liked myself. Sounds dramatic but what a nice discovery, indeed a new insight! Maybe the very reason I made a website about me and my adventures :)
More energy though I'm not eating as much as I used to. Though I -can- still eat two portions easily, but hunger leaves me now after 1/2 a plate. Feeling more clean, healthier and pure throughout the body. As I eat less meat, and more unprocessed food.

I've been of sungazing lately, but I'm picking it back up.
This evening I enjoyed it again, and writing this down makes me realise how to do it. The way back to my my home I had this light weight feeling again. Indeed very nice. Note that it was clouded, but still it works, albeit not as fast as a uninterupted sun.

Now an then I write about these experiences on my website too.
But since there weren't any new breathroughs I left it out on the last posts.

Time to get some sleep now, "rise and shine" they say... I'll take that litteral :D

Love and peace for all,
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