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The Guernsey spearfishing & social 2016

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Hi Mike, we can do anything you like, please feel free to make any suggestions.
Of course without Stephan's incredibly generous sponsorship that he has given us over the previous few years, we don't have much in the way of prizes.
I will offer the first prize for the most amount of species caught, you have the team cup but, apart from that all I can suggest is some pool money shared amongst the 2nd & 3rd placed winners?
Unfortunately Matt Le Clercq cant make it now so we are well down on numbers too!
I have two 'maybes' on the list but it looks like we have only 14 competitors this year.
14 is great. still be fun. r u still open to additional spearos?
Yes room for 4 for sure, I have had another pm today with someone else who is interested but first come first served.
Yes room for 4 for sure, I have had another pm today with someone else who is interested but first come first served.
A couple of other Jsy boys expressed an interest ..not sure if they are on DB
is it only open to existing DB members ?
Reactions: foxfish
Welcome Spaniard, just need your menu choice for the Sat evening
I will be updating the participant list and other details very soon but if anyone reading this knows Paul Achler could they please grab his menu choice (I even posted it on his facebook page but nothing back).
Hi new to the forum , can I enter this competition ? What are the dates ?
Hi Eddy, yes you can
The dates for the two competition days are July 30th & Sunday 31st although we will be socialising from Thursday the 28th until Monday the 1st of August.
If you would like to join us on the Sat night please choose your menu.
Sunday night will be the prize giving party in my garden party house.
Revised & finalised times for the competitions will follow next weekend.
Great thanks , I have something planned already for the Saturday night so will have to give the meal a miss . I'll do the competition tho . Have you already posted about rules and how it's all being done ? Haven't read back in the thread very far yet ?
Eddy, I will post the rules etc in due course but, basically we hold two 6 0r 7 hour competitions over the weekend.
The goal is to catch as many different species from a set list with a set minimum size.
We only allow two fish of the same species per day to be entered & our catch will be consumed by us on the Sunday evening party.
You will need a maker buoy & there are a couple of signatures require on the fishing days
We had a fantastic catch of fish last year including bass, plaice, sole, pollock, mullet and other species from our list.
Competition rules

Specimen hunt

The objective is to catch as many species as possible from a specified list of fish species. There will be two competition days – 30th and 31st July, 2016.

The overall winner will be the diver who catches the most number of individual species over the two days.**

1. All divers must sign the registration form before the competition starts & sign out before the weigh in.*

2. We request that no competitor dives the venue in the 48 hours prior to the competition

3. All divers enter the competitions and dive entirely at their own risk. There are no safety boats provided

4. Competitors must use a surface marker buoy and remain within 25m of that marker at all times. Competitors may use a floatation aid such as dive board.

5. Each diver will sign a disclaimer stating that they are aware of the rules and are taking part at entirely their own risk.

6. There will be a limit of three fish of any of the specified species per diver per day.

7. Any diver who has signed on & but not signed out within 30 minutes after the designated weigh in time, will cause the emergency services to be alerted on their behalf. * (with costs to be paid for by the Diver)

8. Competitors will only be allowed to dive the designated venue and must remain within the designated dive area (a briefing detailing the dive boundaries will be given on the day)

9. All Competitors must enter and exit the competition by foot. The use of boats or any other form of vehicular transport is not permitted. During the competition, a diver may enter and leave the water as many times as they wish.

10. For safety reasons, divers are recommended not to string fish on their waist. They should attach the fish to their SMB.

11. A diver may only weigh in fish that they have caught, and only fish presented to the dive coordinators at the official weigh-in will be eligible for the competition

12. All Competitors will be responsible for their own catch. Divers must be aware that their general conduct and treatment of their catch will reflect upon other divers and may also affect how the sport of is perceived by the general public It is therefore imperative that all divers behave responsibly and ensure that all fish caught are dealt with humanely and appropriately at all times.

13. A diver must only catch fish that they can use and must ensure that no fish are wasted or taken unnecessarily.

Minimum qualifying weight:

Bass 2.5lb

Plaice 1.5lb

Sole 1.5lb

Turbot 2.5lb

Brill 2lb

Black bream 1lb

Couchs 1lb

Gilthead 1.5lb

Red mullet 1lb

Trigger fish 1lb

Gurnard 1lb

Mullet 2.5lb

Pollock 2lb

Mackerel 8oz

Long nose 8oz

Lobster 1.5lb

Edible crab 2lb

Cuttle fish 1lb

Scallop (minimum size – to be advised)

Saturday the 30th July - Competition starts at 9am & finishes at 4.00pm - Low tide is at 10.30am @ 2.85m

Sunday the 31st July - Competition starts at 9am & finishes at 3.00pm - Low tide is at 11.30am @2.5m

Saturday evening, 7.00pm at the Copenhagen Bar & Grill.

Sunday evening, 6.30 - 11.30pm at Craigwillan La Turquie Vale GY3 5EB
Please note the Saturday competition is of 7 hours duration & the Sunday competition is of 6 hours duration.
Sign on will be from one hour before start time on both days.
All competitors must be at the weigh in point and signed out by the designated weigh in time.
You do not need to complete the whole specified competition time in the water but you must sign in and sign out at the appropriate times.
The preferred venues will be.. Sat -Bulwer Avenue. Sun -The Knife.
However the venues may change due to weather conditions.. To be confirmed nearer the time.
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Andy Linehan

Moules Mariniere
Honey Roasted Pork Belly
Expresso Crème Brulee

Chris Mills

Moules Mariniere
Ribeye Steak (medium)
Chocolate Fondant

Cobus Jacobs

Moules Mariniere
Ribeye Steak (how cooked)
Expresso Crème Brulee

Dan Noble

Maple Glazed Ribs
Ribeye Steak (rare)
Chocolate Fondant

Martyn Foxen

Seared Local Scallops
Ribeye Steak (rare)
Strawberry Cheesecake

Mike Shearer

Moules Mariniere
Ribeye Steak (rare)
Chocolate Fondant


Moules Mariniere
Scallops & King Prawns
Chocolate Fondant

Paul Achler




Paul Collas

Moules Mariniere
Ribeye Steak (rare)
Apple Tart Tartin

Sarah Warr

Maple Glazed Ribs
Scallops & King Prawns
Chocolate Fondant

Thomas Todd

Moules Mariniere
Ribeye Steak (med/rare)
Chocolate Fondant


Seared Local Scallops
Ribeye Steak (how cooked)
Strawberry Cheesecake


Potted Ham Hock
Honey Roast Pork Belly
Strawberry Cheesecake

Matt Gurney

Moules Mariniere
Scallops and King Prawns
Chocolate Fondant

Jacob Fitch

Butternut Squash & Ginger soup
Scallops & King Prawns
Expresso Crème Brulee

John Norman

Moules Mariniere
Ribeye Steak (rare)
Expresso Crème Brulee

Kerin Sergeant

Maple Glazed Ribs
Ribeye Steak (medium)
Chocolate Fondant

Juan Askew

Seared Local Scallops
Pan fried fillet of Bass
Strawberry Cheesecake

Rossi01 / + partner



It says nothing about the pretty cider? Where is the pretty cider??????