You're right, noa! there is always room for improvement and that is what has been driving the evolution of monofins in general. I've been thinking about the slight toe-in you mention, as on my bicycles with same shoes I always toe in a bit. The foot plates have round holes, with Look pedal compatible spacing. On a Look system, fore/aft adjustment comes from the cleat having slots, and rotation comes from the cleat/pedal interface. This means that when the shoes are bolted to the foot plate, there is no rotation or fore/aft movement possible at this point. The angle adjustment (when available) may include potential length adjustment to compensate for a swimmer having a curved spine or short leg. Foot rotation is not something I've heard anything about but I will suggest it to Ted as well. I have been thinking of taking the lead from Chip and modifying footplates with a chainsaw file-but have not gotten so bold yet. As the holes are recessed for Allen bolts (hex socket) it would be harder to create a curved path accurately. Of course, I have other a 25,000 rpm handpiece and a carbide cutter....and a steady hand... and so goes the modifying process!