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AIDA Indoor Freediving World Championship 2009 - Århus

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Yes. Pity you changed the schedule though. I've now got to factor in a static heat before my DNF final which seems to be the wrong way around and those that booked international flights based on the original schedule are, in some cases, stuffed.

I take it the schedule change was done to suit CMAS?
I've now got to factor in a static heat before my DNF final
You are damn sure of yourself that you will reach the final!

In your case I think you are probably right by the way. Good to have such confidence. I will just try to set three PB's. If I manage that, I will have done great.
You are damn sure of yourself that you will reach the final!
Not sure, just have to consider it. It means that if I do make the final of DNF, I either won't compete in static at all or do a pretty minimal dive. It's not a huge deal, more annoying than anything else. It does completely stuff the plans of one of our team members, due to flights. It's just disappointing to have made plans based on a schedule and have that change unexpectedly. On that note, we've now got a bed to spare at Danhostel...
Not sure, just have to consider it. It means that if I do make the final of DNF, I either won't compete in static at all or do a pretty minimal dive. It's not a huge deal, more annoying than anything else.
Still, it is a problem that I do not yet have. I hope I have it at the next worlds though. Would be fun.
It does completely stuff the plans of one of our team members, due to flights. It's just disappointing to have made plans based on a schedule and have that change unexpectedly. On that note, we've now got a bed to spare at Danhostel...
That I can understand. Especially as you guys don’t exactly live around the corner.
If Chris (or for that matter Kerian, Will, Kathryn or Suzy) don't make the A or B finals for DNF, they will of course face ritual decapitation by monofin.

No pressure people...

Your supportive team mate,
If Chris (or for that matter Kerian, Will, Kathryn or Suzy) don't make the A or B finals for DNF, they will of course face ritual decapitation by monofin.
Now I understand even better why Kiwis take so serious attitude to freediving training...
So you have there a Trophy rack, and next to it a rack for heads of the ex-freedivers who didn't make it...just for an advisory for freedivers training for competitions.
Guy I'm sharpening my Ginsu longfins just in case you slip up in your STA heat...
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Well Arjen, Kiwis have a high class professional for that: Ant W is a Motivation Consult and has Honours degree in Sport Psychology (1st Class) and Masters degree of Science (Distinction in Psychology).

We must hope, that it is not a sign of a new world wide trend in motivation consulting and sport psychology:
Go Back to Basics and Use the Old Good Motivating Traditions!
Keep It Sharp!
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Now I understand even better why Kiwis take so serious attitude to freediving training...
So you have there a Trophy rack, and next to it a rack for heads of the ex-freedivers who didn't make it...just for an advisory for freedivers training for competitions.
Or they send them over to us :D
Well Arjen, Kiwis have a high class professional for that: Ant W is a Motivation Consult and has Honours degree in Sport Psychology (1st Class) and Masters degree of Science (Distinction in Psychology).
We must hope, that it is not a sign of a new world wide trend in motivation consulting and sport psychology:
Go Back to Basics and Use the Old Good Motivating Traditions!
I know. I met him in Dahab last year. Great guy to hang out with. Anybody know if he is coming to the Worlds as well?
If Chris (or for that matter Kerian, Will, Kathryn or Suzy) don't make the A or B finals for DNF, they will of course face ritual decapitation by monofin.

No pressure people...

Your supportive team mate,
Ah, so that's what you were going for on those dodgy turns in Freyberg then? And there I was matrixing my arse out of what seemed so accidental at the time...

Arjen: Ant is unfortunately more interested in his young child and keeping his lovely wife happy. Priorities, people!
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I know. I met him in Dahab last year. Great guy to hang out with. Anybody know if he is coming to the Worlds as well?
No he won't be there. Ant and I are organising Australia's first freediving competition on August 15/16 in Sydney. It's for all the Aussie and Kiwi rejects that are too poor to go to the other side of the world :D
No he won't be there. Ant and I are organising Australia's first freediving competition on August 15/16 in Sydney. It's for all the Aussie and Kiwi rejects that are too poor to go to the other side of the world :D
Oh dear, are some of the rejects that do easy 200+ meter DNF and DYN dives going to participate?:crutch
Oh dear, are some of the rejects that do easy 200+ meter DNF and DYN dives going to participate?:crutch

Well, I did hear rumours that they couldn't afford to fly to Australia either so they were just going to incorporate the trip over as a warm up dive...
Chris - love it! Bit like the old John West ads... "it's the ones we reject which make John West the best"

rofl rofl rofl
thx ;) lucky that I just have to go to aarhus for buisiness of course I couldn't let this chance go :D
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