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Freediving Scotland

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
April I reckon. We need to get that night dive sorted sometime then as well?
I'll be doing plenty of diving in March as well with seals, 7 gill sharks and pelagic sharks weather permitting in Capetown.
I won't tell you much more as I don't want to make you jealous :) :)
Grant, did you mean you'll be in Fife in July?
If so, Ill show you some good lobster grounds!
Tom.........Good Lobster grounds mmmh.
I'm not planning to be in Fife in July but could arrange something I'm sure - take it your thinking of a night dive?
Night dives in front of St Andrews are great. You need to phone around the police, coastguard etc as they get calls from well meaning members of the public and paranoid lobster fishermen who spot the torchlight. Ive been met on the beach by policemen a few times!

Generally you can get a couple of lobsters by daylight too. The volcanic rocks around there have lots of cracks and shelves in them which the lobsters love. Tap them from behind with a stick and they move forward and can be grabbed.
"met on the beach by the police" LOL
They must have thought you were nuts !
That has reminded me of a wee video I made last year for a laugh. moderately funny, depending on your taste...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5hnc5kLJrU&feature=plcp&context=C3fbc76dUDOEgsToPDskINpQ10afHqSkoA_PCJyFF2]A lobsters final moments - YouTube[/ame]
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It's not iPhone friendly- will check it out tonight. Really must get some work done :-(
Just a quick one, my last comment on this thread in fact .
I think it's a great shame that SOMEBODY has threatened the operators of a Glasgow pool with media exposure for what is THEIR opinion the running of a "dangerous"
Pool session resulting in the closure of the session to the divers .
Its not in the interests of any one whatsoever to sling mud on an open forum in a way of trying to put down a rival group or organisation to make your own group look good its counterproductive to all parties.
Good luck with the session Freedive Scotland I'm sure you'll turn this around
Dive safe dive happy

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Just checking in with you nice guys up north .. Are you getting back on track ??

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night hunting lobsters


Wonder if I can pick some brains here and get some comments on the art of freediving lobsters specifically at night. I've been into doing this for a while now and have done a handful of night dives to get the feel for the dark. I've taken to it like a good-un, my confidence is great.

There's a few issues spring to mind and would love to hear some objective comments: 1. lights 2. safety/police/coastguard and 3. lobster habits of the night.

1. Lights are sorted, my surface float carrys a 7AH sealed alarm panel battery, to which I have 10m of butyl cable and a 50W interchangable light, I can use 10W, 20W 35W or 50W halogen or xenon. The light for my rig underwater would match any top end commercial divers torch. £12.95 ebay, underwater pond lamp! I love my light, with two back-up standby LED torches. I think that is a main player in night diving confidence is reliable lighting. Lets face it, it's the 'dark' that gives us the heebies.

2. Ok, while out at night, I am very conscious of being seen as something the public may lift the phone to the police or coastguard to report as an 'odditty' in the water. To get round this, I'm playing around with a small surface board, which actually has nav lights, so that it is recognised as a small vessel in the water. Also handy for all my other stuff.

3. Do the lobsters just wander about at night in the open hunting for food? Do they still come out at night even through this is winter with the water temperature lower.

I'm fascinated by the lobster hunting and the night dives excite me more than the daylight for some odd reason!

I wouldn't like to spark a helicopter search and rescue team on the back of a phone call from the public. Any comments on best procedure? Would it be advisable to inform local police and coastgurad of your car etc., and what you are doing or on the basis that you look like a small vessel and are displaying the appropriate night navigation, does that make it a whole lot easier? At the end of the day if you were night fishing in a small craft, you'd be displaying nav lights and it's unlikely you're going to see the big wessex overhead.

I'm sure there will be objectors, but the risks are identified and measures in place to minimise any mishaps.

Open to comments on the night hunting :)

PS. If anyone is serious about teaming up for the odd night lobster hunt up and around the clyde area, I'm looking for like minded buddies.

Im pretty sure its not the Fife coast anyway! Just ballan wrasse and tiny pollack there. Serious quantities of lobsters though...A bit of a faff to get them out of their holes by day, but at night they run about on the sandy bottoms.
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That sure sounds like an interesting light setup!
A call in to the coastguard is always a good idea, and welcomed by them,to let them know your plans etc. firstly it will prevent a well meaning member of the public calling a rescue if they are worried about your activity and also the CG has some details which may help if you need assistance.
I've never dived in the Clyde area - is it good for Lobsters?


Hi Terry, I will share my experiences of lobster hunting.

I usually go looking for them off the Fife coast, particularly round St Andrews and Kingsbarns, so all that follows relates to that area.
Fife coast has a lot of narrow rocky ledges that run for up to 100m meters at angles to the shore. These ledges have long narrow cracks running along them. The lobsters reverse themselves into these cracks and watch the world go by. If you try and grab them they just retreat further back, out of reach. If you use a long stick or a hook they tend to run forward and are possible to get. This type of rock structure is common here and I reckon thats why there are so many lobsters around St Andrews.

At night they certainly leave their shelters and walk on the sand. The depths here are not great (max 8m) but the vis is usually pretty bad so you dont normally spot them from the surface.

I went out one night with a couple of Scuba mates and I made a wee film. In the second half you can clearly see how easy the lobsters are to get! https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150231537185621

I have had both paranoid commercial fishermen and worried members of the public phone both the police and the coastguard. I asked both authorities what I should do and the response was the same. Just phone the local cops and coastguard with the details eg name, car reg, location, activity etc and call them again when you're out of the water. Its a pain but its a lot less hassle than getting quizzed and searched by police. I would always advise being subtle with your catch. try not to show it off, as you will surely make somebody unhappy.

Light-wise, your setup sounds nice. I dont use a float as never take more than two lobsters. I just put one back if I find a better one. usually I just use a video light, hand held. Its an IST one with a wide angle or focussed lens option. Works fine. A head lamp might be better so theres less in the hands, but its not really a problem.

As for winter, I think the lobsters go out to deeper water. But I have never tried since the fife coast is pretty much undiveable during the cold months. Its fickle at best!

If you fancy a trip to St Andrews this summer let me know!
Hi terry that sounds like a great setup I'd be really interested in seeing some images via an email etc
Jay :)

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Hi Jay,

No problems, now no laughing you lot at my contraption! It's provided me with more than enough free meals over the years :)

As I call her Nautilus, lights, battery and 12VDC motor, two handles at the back to hang onto and away you go. A great platform to hunt from. Usually strap my torpedo to it for daytime vis and a wee anchor. Carrys my water, tucker, GPS, mobile, crab grabber and keepnet.

Caddy car battery goes into a fibreglassed well below the waterline.

See what you think :)


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Hey all,

Anyone looking for a training partner in/around Aberdeen? I'm keen, even to brave the murky depths, but would be good to do some pool stuff too.

Hell, it'd be good even to go to Ma Camerons or the POW for a pint and 'verbal' training session!

Happy diving!
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