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Live from Egypt 2006

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
"The Miracle in Hurghada".

If it were up to me, the history books will remember this competition by this tagline. I still can't believe that it was pulled off and that it actually became a fantastic competition with amazing results people around.

We have been plagued with outrageous incapability from the original organizer. The competition only happened in the end because of four factors:
Kirk Krack, who took all available seconds he had as coach for the Canadians to reorganize the depth event so no one got killed;
The five judges, me one of them, who never got enough sleep, had to organize start lists and results lists for 100+ competitors, even if it's not supposed to be their job;
A load of freedivers jumping in as safety and other tasks when it was the most critical, and even if some of them were competitors;
And finally the badge of 20+ volunteers, Egyptian or foreign, mostly teenagers, whose lack of training in being a part of such a major sports event was redeemed by their willingness to give all they had and learn as they went, despite that they worked for free and weren't even being fed or watered some days.

The organizer got together perhaps 20 percent of this competition; a huge but empty barge, the boats, the scuba guys, the Egyptian media, acceptable T-shirts, a marvelous Fort Arabesque hotel that almost wasn't paid. The organizer got the individual bits and pieces, but no final knowledge about how to put them together and make the machinery work.

Sorry about the delay of results, we really did all we could. Glad you have it now. For the winning teams, especially to my countrymen, congratulations. To Herbert, my respects for pulling off 111 under these conditions. Martin, my respects for reaching silver with your team despite your decease. And for those I barked at during some days, I apologize with all my heart. I have never been closer to a personal collapse before this fortnight.

Slovenia, learn as much as you can from all these millions of shortcomings before next year. This is not how to organize a world championship.

Best regards,
Chris Engelbrecht, Copenhagen
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Sounds like the kind of people I was talking about a couple of posts back. That's the little difference between "has a lot of ideas" and "makes things happen".

I wasn't even there, but I'm still going to thank you, Kirk and the others :)
Chris and all the other judges were amazing, and demand a lot of respect for what they pulled off. At the beginning of the competition Grant said that the AIDA judges were there to help the Athletes. At that stage he could never have realised how much that would be true.

From an athlete's perspective, it looked to me that the whole competition was near to collapse on more than one occasion. Without the volunteers that stepped in to help, along with the judges, I am sure that would have happened.

On another matter, has anyone worked out overall individual rankings? The Excel spreadsheet has those for each discipline, but not all 3 combined.

I'm glad to hear that you and some others at the competition were able to pull it through. Kirk Krack is a professional when it comes to organizing constant weight safety. I'm glad he was there. What would have happened if he wasn't? What were the main safety issues?

I guess I feel upset that the organizer leaned on the small group of volunteers, competitors and judges and Kirk to make the competition work when here in Vancouver we spent months preparing and worked 20 hour days for almost two weeks to make sure the Worlds in 2004 went off smoothly. Some teams were upset that Vancouver won the bid because they felt it wasn't enough of a vacation destination and was too far away from Europe. Well, those who decided to attend had a fantastic time.

San San, I'll be glad to give you any feedback or info on how we organized things here for Worlds 2004. I'm sure any of the members of the organizing team would do so as well. (Tom Lightfoot, CAFA president, would be a good place to start regarding live updates since he designed the software and method for doing so at Worlds).

Bill, perhaps AIDA can develop a list of virtual volunteers, at least for collaborating on developing certain plans for competitions. I think everyone would be happy knowing that certain mistakes were not repeated.

Billextreme said:
Of course there will be actions after this WC. (more info later)

AND I'm sorry that the official WC website have been dead since September.

Yes, we are going to find a new web-hotel(and server) for the AIDA website.
The result list on the AIDA website should be correct, send me a mail if you find anything wrong. I can't find Isabelle represent more than Sweden in that list.
To Laminar... download the results and you will find the full list.


@ Bill I just had a new look at the xls-file located on your server and now it is correct , but it was'nt when the link was posted in this thread the 1th time.
If you look at the this screen dump I made from the file and look on the light-blue marked posting on line 107 you'll see that Isabelle was posted as competing for MEX.

----> Link to the screendump ---> Click here !
.....and Bill thnx for taking care of Isabelle during the WC ! She speaks warmly about you! Xllnt job coaching from what I've heard ! Cheers and thnx again Bill.
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new wr in static! just got off the phone with lotta and herbert the man has pulled it off. a few trials and errors in the last 2 days but now its official: 9.04!! congrats herbert, job well done.
Congratulations to Herbert

Whow, great news !!

I always knew that You would come back to write another chapter of freediving history !!

Congratulations to You, Herbert for two well deserved world records !!!

HUGE thanks to the judges, I am surprised you guys are still alive. To Kirk, I bet you didn't think you'd end up running Worlds two times in a row and to the many many people who jumped in and did stuff that they really didn't have to to make this happen.

We have an expression in English involving the words "piss up" and "brewery" ... they were heard a few times last week.
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Any updates on William Winram's WR attempt in constant weight without fins?

Will's had a good year:
Dynamic apnea 174m: beat Eric Fattah's 150m national record
Constant weight 84m: beat Eric Fattah's 82m national and old world record
Constant no fins 66m: new national record by a LARGE margin
Dynamic no fins 139m: new national record by a LARGE margin

Good luck Will!

So that's why Herbert didn't compete in DYN! Bravo!
And, does anyone knows why is it that Tom Sietas didn't make the team for this WC?
I think Tom does not compete in depth disciplines at all, since he experienced lung squeeze several times (possibly due to the extreme packing he uses to do). I may be wrong though - I assume this from what I read, but am not sure if it was the real reason. Finally, I think he would bring sufficient points just with DYN and STA, even if he did just some 40m or less in CWT.
trux said:
I think Tom does not compete in depth disciplines at all, since he experienced lung squeeze several times (possibly due to the extreme packing he uses to do). I may be wrong though - I assume this from what I read, but am not sure if it was the real reason. Finally, I think he would bring sufficient points just with DYN and STA, even if he did just some 40m or less in CWT.

that is not true. he was in -122m (with sledge) without squezze after one week preperation only.
the reason not to go to the wc was the outrageous start fee. that was my personal reason too.

congratulation to herbert. you are an animal!
wolleneugebauer said:
that is not true. he was in -122m (with sledge) without squezze after one week preperation only.
the reason not to go to the wc was the outrageous start fee. that was my personal reason too.
Thanks for the heads-up, and sorry for the disinfo - it was based just on rumours I've read. I am suprised though that Tom would not find a sponsor willing to cover his starting fees.
Thanks for offering your help Laminar. I think our main problem is going to be getting enough people to help as safetyes and others and of course getting enough sponsors...
I already know how we will pull of results publishing and we will test it on a local competition in March. I'm just getting all the papers together so we will have the MAD CUP 2007 :). Everybody who would like to test the pool, accommodation and so on is welcome to join. The dates will be 2nd and 3rd of March.

OK I allready said too much. Just wait a few more days till the webpage is up.
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""herbert did 9.03 in static training today... and he was totally clear and said there was more from where that came from... interesting""

This was posted by Larsemil one week ago. Of course Herbert was going to go for the record during the WC but the penalty ruined it, so he prudently stop at 7'44" and saved himself for a new attempt. Wow, the guy is really amazing.:friday
Hi San San,

Given that you are doing a pool competition, it should be easy to recruit safety freedivers, being that you could train a few in the next year much more easily than if you needed to train safeties for constant weight.

Start a club of safety divers and give them some benefits/discounts or whatever and the attention. I've found that people are attracted to the idea of doing something that requires skill and judgement and attention to detail.

If you want, we can PM about this.

Pete / San San, and other organizers,

Well this becomes off topic, so I try to keep it short: it would be great if you managed to put together some kind of checklist, that future organizers could use to avoid such fiasco like this last WC. I attempted to create [ame="http://forums.deeperblue.net/showthread.php?t=67105"]a thread specifically for this[/ame] a half a year ago, but unfortunately nobody contributed at all. I understand that some of the organizers prefer to keep the know-how for themselves, but if they were more open, it would be in a great benefit of all, and I bet that the overall level of competitions would significantly increase. There are often small but very very important details that one does not think of in advance and that can ruin otherwise good preparation. If we manage to collect the know-how, experience, and different tips and tricks, and even techical instructions, from multiple organizers, I bet that you can learn from each other too.
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larsemil said:
1. rus
2. swe
3. can

i think...

wooo hooo!
congratulation to the canadians!
great job, i am very proud of you gals.

vancouver, canada
The highest scoring competitor in the Championships:

MOLCHANOVA Natalia, 249,3p
CRUICKSHANK Mandy-Rae, 208,1p
AVSEENKO Natalia, 207,4p
KRISTOFFERSEN Elisabeth, 207p

WINRAM William, 248,4p
SHINOMIYA Ryuzo, 248,2p
PEDERSEN Peter, 247,3p
STEPANEK Martin, 239,8p

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