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Live from Egypt 2006

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I just spoke to Will on the phone - he is in his final prep for his dive NOW (and the guy answers his mobile :S HAHAHA) ... we will know what happened in a couple of hours. He sounded calm and quite cheerful - I think he will do it ... he is riding one of those "every dive I do works" trains these last few months...same as Herbert (Congatulations Herbert)
Will keep you posted
Cheers Stavros
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He is going to go for 81m or 82m (I think 82m) CNF which will be a new World Record.
The week before the WC (its funny that after what happened at the actual event the acronym seems appropriate) he did a 78m CNF dive very clean and qualified for a try at the world record.

Cheers Stavros
Wow, then it seems like Martin will have a busy time on Caymans next year. I'm sure he'll want those WRs back :)
Tried texting and calling but no answer - I am afraid that with the way things are organised down there poor Will might have started his prep at 10 in the morning for a 11:00 dive and he might end up diving at 15:00...same thing happened on Monday at the original attempt when both Herbert's and Will's dives were delayed and ended up getting cold in the waterand cancelling their dives (reports are not exact but thats the info I got from Will on Monday)

Will try again later

Cheers Stavros
Egypt 2006 was probably the worst organised event in the history of freediving and the website was useless. The lack of information was frustrating for the the athletes as well as you guys on Deeperblue. We did not get the top times for Dynamic until 23:00 and the first bus left at 06:30 the next morning! However, please remember that even the best organised event has to wait for the days dives to be finished, judges to return to base camp, provisional results to be posted, protests to be lodged and then deliberated over by the jury before any official results can be announced. On most days the official results were not comfirmed until the event committee which was at 19:30 at the earliest.
Unofficial results are a totally different thing and are produced by text messages, web postings and general rumours so they are unreliable.
The internet connection at the hotel was extremely variable so it would have been difficult for someone from Deeperblue to reliably communicate the official results on a regular basis.
AIDA Int will have to learn some lessons from this event but the positive thing is that its members pulled together to get the event finished even if the rest of the world had to wait to hear about it!
Monkey Matt said:
AIDA Int will have to learn some lessons from this event but the positive thing is that its members pulled together to get the event finished even if the rest of the world had to wait to hear about it!
Absolutely great message - I wholeheartedly agree...one of the great things that came out of the bad is how well everyone came together to try and make the event a success.
F%$#K......just spoke to Will in Egypt....the attempt is cancelled....one of the people involved in the attempt while trying to adjust something in the bottom camera cut the rope...which meant that a new rope had to be measured by which time the safety scuba guys time would be out...F&^%$K....attempt is cancelled and from what Will said he will have to wait until next year. I guess the judges can wait no longer for a rerun tomorrow (plus the actual cost of keeping everyone down there must be mounting up.)

I am pissed off now...

But as Will (and myself after my last CWT BO) said " Shit happens"

we live to fight another day

Cheers Stavros
Aw pantz - thanks for letting us know Stavros. Sounds like a nightmare over there at the moment.

Fins crossed for the next attempt :D

In New Zealand we call that a mozza.
Condolences to Will, who sounds like he was ready for a big dive. There can be nothing harder than having conditions outside your control hamstring an attempt.
There seems to be some kind of jinx with this CWNF record: ciguatera and egyptian generals for me (but at least I got a dive!) and now a saboteur video operator for Will Wimram...
Kia ora Will, I had no idea it was Ciguatera you were suffering with out in Sharm, shit man!!
Have the symptoms gone yet???
Lets hope they dont return.
Will be real interesting to see who actually gets the record in the end!!!

Be safe

Will said:
There seems to be some kind of jinx with this CWNF record: ciguatera and egyptian generals for me (but at least I got a dive!) and now a saboteur video operator for Will Wimram...
That man Martin has influence in very high places :D
laminar said:
Mandy set a new national record in dynamic 129m. Jade did 108m, I think. And then Jill Yoneda, a first time WC competitor, did 128m with a skin of her teeth samba that was protested by the French team. Only one metre and a few more 02 molecules behind Mandy. She managed to do her SP in 14 seconds! Apparently, everyone was yelling at her to come back to the world of the conscious.

Whether you agree with the new SP or not, it's high drama!

What is the current surface protocol?

vancouver, canada
Just back in London now from Egypt. I was supposed to safety on Will's WR attempt this morning, I had my wetsuit on and was walking towards the boat when we got the message that the rope had been cut. What can I say..... I felt absolutely terrible for Will but he seemed in pretty decent spirits and was planning the next event. Oh, and he cracked a beer at 10:30am which was well deserved.

If I take anything from this event, it's watching and appreciating humankind's ability to triumph through adversity. I've seen some people display fantastic qualities in the last few weeks. It's going to be a hard week or 2 integrating back into "normal" society.

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