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Rocket monofin?

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Yes, I know. There are the main problem of Us - too much people make a copy of Rocketfin:(
So use only original with green sticket on the blade;)
WELL my fins arrived yesterday!

just 10 days after they were shipped from Ukraine they arrived in immaculate condition in Australia!

impeccable service, i have dealt with a couple of other manufacturers and never has the service been this good!

so initial comments and opinions:

- perfect service
- Build quality is better than ANYTHING i have ever seen, triton, waterway, Hyperfin got nothing on these fins!
- shipped well with lots of cardboard and bubble rap
- angle in fins looks accurate to what was ordered.

- my fin is........ pink.... (not their fault i asked for red rubber footpockets and of course red rubber is more like pink than red)
- sizing is SMALL all i can say is ask for MUCH bigger than you need. my feet are 290mm long i described my feet as 300mm long, they took into account freediver sizing and still the fin is impossible to put on even with LUBE!

so surgery is required!

"Doctor Dane please enter theatre one your Patient rocketfin is on the operating table and awaiting surgery!"

will let you all know how it goes when i'm done!

you have no idea how scared i am cutting up a fin as perfect in construction as this one!

Nice report Björn, useful information to!

Question to you, have you got flat feet, or high arch, narrow, wide, or anything like that?

Usually tighter footpockets mean a more efficient transferral of the energy to the fin.
Is there any difference in the type of rubber used in this fin and that of the other brands?

I also cut my "Natalia" - a fin from HyperfinS, to make it tighter. Because as many people know they make the footpockets too large. And it was really spacious for my flat feet.

I see that you choose to cut up your fin instead yourself? Are you sure?

Keep us posted, thanks!

I'm a bit too scared to laugh at you yet... I will reserve laughter for Saturday after I try my baby on for the first time...
trust me Kars if i had another choice i'd take it!

the fin material is the same as the other league of Hyperfins out there, WW, Triton, Hyperfins etc.

my feet are relatively narrow and i have a descent arch but nothing unusual, so the fin fits but the footpocket is simple too short, so i have to extend the strap.the problem is that they build these fins so well that the strap is actually glued in under the top layer of rubber to prevent it from coming undone.

i'm used to hyper style fins (had a triton before... snapped) so i like a tight footpocket, and very used to it but this one is CRAZY!

so either its sell the fin and loose a truck load of money and end up with no fin..... or i modify it and have a fin for when i go to egypt next month.


please let us see a pic of the pink rocket :-D Please!
Here's a pic. Mine is the blue one. You know what they say - blue is for boys, pink is for....


  • Rocketfins.jpg
    150.6 KB · Views: 261

:) ok
Blue for boys
and pink is for girls, I guess
But the fin is blue AND pink. And that is for ....? ;-D

Anyway forget the colour and have fun with the fin!
My fin is 1,600km away with Bjorn, i'm flying there tomorrow to teach a course and to pick it up. I just packed my monofin bag with the cardboard covers, styrofoam bricks and a heap of bubblewrap... and no monofin! Damn thing looks full already, don't know how I ever fit a mono in there as well :D
Sorry Benny,

that new guy that we are diving with offered me a bomber price on that nice blue rocketfin i got! couldnt resist so i'll order you another one when i get back from egypt. heheheheheheh
And so my question is.... you sold my manly blue one to someone else and still kept your gay pink one all to your cuddly wuddly self? Hmm, someone's a closet pink lover....
You guys who bought a rocketfin, how is it??? Have you tested it in the pool? How is it? Neutral, stiffness, everything please! :p
Excellent build quality!far better than anything else...


- blade is much stiffer than desired, i ordered a medium soft and it is stiffer than a waterway Medium by a fair bit.
- foot pockets are TINY (unwearable actually) i ordered my fin 15mm longer than my actual foot size and they still are far to small.

over all the service from these guys is excellent and the build quality second to none, i would just recomend when ordering to go quite a bit larger than you are actual foot size and ur on the softer side for the blades.

Thanks for the input now i have some more questions. :)
Ok I have a 300 mm foot so you think I should buy a 330mm and not the 310mm fin? Did you choose the blad angel your self or is their standard angels you choose from? What is your angel? You say it's harder than an glide fin medium but is it harder than an glide fin hard?
How much did it cost, I live in Sweden so i think I get some extra taxes for being in the EU.

Thank you for now maybe come up with more :p
well my foot it 285mm and i ordered 300mm and it was too small. up to you what you think based on this.

i chose blade angle you can choose your own. flavour of the month is 30 degrees but i'm still not sold on it.

i order 25 degrees which i like.

i have nevere even seen a glide hard! nobody i know has ever purchased a hard fin from any supplier let alone me seeing or using one so i can not comment on this, however i do not think it would be as stiff as a hard blade somewhere between medium and hard.

price depends on exchange rate etc, just speak with Viktor he will give you a price. dont know about VAT etc but yes i think Eu taxes will count for your purchase???

basically if i had it to do over again i would order:
- Rocketfin for freediving
- 25 degree angle
- footpocket to fit 310mm feet
- Soft blade

but otherwise i am completly happy with the fin, there is no way i would ever by a glide etc after seeing these.

but its only one mans opinion. this is the major problem with all monofin manufacturers currently producing hi performance fins is that sizinf and stiffness are never exactly the same and there is know way to ensure that the size and stiffness you order is correct for the diver.

hopefully the new Tropol M5f,Dolfin, Lunocet fins will remedy this issue with standard size and stiffness so that people can order with confidance rather than having to cross there fingers and pray that the fin they have just paid so much money for:
a) gets to them in one pce undamaged
b) fits
c) is what they ordered

its a huge camble really and something i'm not looking forward to having to do again....

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