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Sharm Individual World Champs - Info & Updates

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Well done to all for just being there and taking part. Massive thanks to Jome and the others for keeping us all up to date.
Deepest Dave really is deepest! Sara is a World Champ and a World Record Holder? Herbert is still the Daddy but for me Carlos Coste is incredible, to come back from months of decompression therapy and to dive to over 100m shows the true grit of the man.
Info I just got from our forum, but its not official I guess:
Top ladies:
GOLD Sara 88 meter clean
SILVER Annelie 77 meter
BRONZE Maria Denmark 63 meters
Natalja BO at 10
Linda turn around 60

Top men:
GOLD Herbert 112
SILVER Mullins 110 (105 points)
BRONZE Carlos 103
Guillaume 99
Juraj 98 (94 points)
Ryuzo turn early.
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Are any of the athletes going on 02 after their dives?
jome enjoy the coffee:friday

The coffee here is actually really good. It's a hotel for Italian tourists so you can get free cappucinos as much as you like.

In preparation for the competition, I haven't had any coffee for 2 months. So every day I've been sitting there in the sun watching Timo, Antero and Weine down cup after cup of the stuff, mouth watering...

Anyway, I think I deserve this :)


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Congratulations to Herbert again ..112 met.:friday..and congratulations to Veljano Zanki rofl from team Croatia, he made 76 met today, new Croatian record.
Congratulations to all! Will post it up on the news tomorrow, keep the results coming in when you can. Well done Jome!! Thanks for keeping us in the loop while also concentrating on your own dives. :)
Congratulations from me to all the divers, especially Maria! Well done. I am very proud of you!

Dose anybody know how Anna did?
Thanks for the kind words Mark, Laura, Benny, Lucia.
It has been a long day waiting to get get in and I am stoked I got there. I am the most surprised believe me!
All the Brits did well, George was first off and I coached her as she sailed through her dive, Liv ditto I hear as she had no worries at all which so good after so long here being congested and fighting an injury.

Tim cruised through his so there is more there, and then Sara didn't do too badly!!
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Info I just got from our forum, but its not official I guess:
Top ladies:
GOLD Sara 88 meter clean
SILVER Annelie 77 meter
BRONZE Maria Denmark 63 meters
Natalja BO at 10
Linda turn around 60

Top men:
GOLD Herbert 112
SILVER Mullins 110 (105 points)
BRONZE Carlos 103
Guillaume 99
Juraj 98 (94 points)
Ryuzo turn early.
No not official, just what I seen and heard by the lines. Judges are checking cameras now. More details here:Freedive news from f.biz

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What a day! What a fortnight! I know I've said it before, but it hasn't sunk in yet!

The lists are up and it's now official - I did it. I'm sure the surface camera will make entertaining viewing - I popped up, clean as you like and have been reminded by a few people of my 'new surface protocol' - noseclip off... OK sign.... 'I'm OK'.... 'Easy peasy, japanesee, lemon squeezie!'... AIDA - what do you think, should it be incorporated into the surface protocol in the new rules?

Seriously though, I have barely been in the water since Triple Depth, just one No Fins session and an FRC session on Sunday. And the rest obviously paid off! It was one of the easiest dives I've ever done! My limits are definitely not at 90m as I thought at Triple Depth. There's more....

Hats off to Nathalia for an amazing dive and she's fine, which is great. No Fins on Saturday and for sure she'll go hard in that one too so I'll have my work cut out for me again.

No doubt plenty of updates to follow this evening,

Thanks to Anna von Boetticher - ANOTHER GERMAN RECORD - 55m CWT, and Stig Severinsen for coaching me today - well, for dragging me between the shore and competition area and generally being super-dooper friends and lovely to dive with :)

And I don't think anything has been said yet about the INCREDIBLE organisation today. 83 athletes and no delays, perfect safety, no protests so excellent judging and set-up and a truly wonderful day in the water for everyone. Congrats also to Dave King - UK record, and the rest of the Brit Pack for a clean sheet today - 6 white cards out of 6! That's got to be worth mentioning!

Signing off, good night!
Oh yes, definitely a white card for the organization and judges.

I tell you they looked pretty beat when the lists finally were glued to the wall. A day of rest will be welcome to them as well I bet. But great job! It's safe to say the conditions have been a challenge.
What a day! What a fortnight! I know I've said it before, but it hasn't sunk in yet!

The lists are up and it's now official - I did it. I'm sure the surface camera will make entertaining viewing - I popped up, clean as you like and have been reminded by a few people of my 'new surface protocol' - noseclip off... OK sign.... 'I'm OK'.... 'Easy peasy, japanesee, lemon squeezie!'... AIDA - what do you think, should it be incorporated into the surface protocol in the new rules?

Seriously though, I have barely been in the water since Triple Depth, just one No Fins session and an FRC session on Sunday. And the rest obviously paid off! It was one of the easiest dives I've ever done! My limits are definitely not at 90m as I thought at Triple Depth. There's more....

Hats off to Nathalia for an amazing dive and she's fine, which is great. No Fins on Saturday and for sure she'll go hard in that one too so I'll have my work cut out for me again.

No doubt plenty of updates to follow this evening,

Thanks to Anna von Boetticher - ANOTHER GERMAN RECORD - 55m CWT, and Stig Severinsen for coaching me today - well, for dragging me between the shore and competition area and generally being super-dooper friends and lovely to dive with :)

And I don't think anything has been said yet about the INCREDIBLE organisation today. 83 athletes and no delays, perfect safety, no protests so excellent judging and set-up and a truly wonderful day in the water for everyone. Congrats also to Dave King - UK record, and the rest of the Brit Pack for a clean sheet today - 6 white cards out of 6! That's got to be worth mentioning!

Signing off, good night!

Greatness is not related to size, only from acheivement & character. Old armenian proverb
Congratulations to all who did their best, also to the early divers. Well done.
But a day off? I'm stuck to the refresh button now! :head

I just wanted to say a huge congrats to all the freedivers....I still think Dave Mullins is the best in the world, definately watch this space.
Well done Herbert, and also Sarah, you must be on a real high... and best of luck for the no fins
Your man is certainly an amazing person Tam :inlove Remember the man is only as good as his woman. See you next weekend girlfriend.

Great to hear the organisers and judges being recognised amongst the amazing competitors.

Wish I was there but maybe one day you will all come to us.
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