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Static PB's

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What's your static PB?

  • 0:00-1:00

    Votes: 5 0.8%
  • 1:00-2:00

    Votes: 32 5.2%
  • 2:00-3:00

    Votes: 96 15.6%
  • 3:00-4:00

    Votes: 136 22.1%
  • 4:00-5:00

    Votes: 164 26.7%
  • 5:00-6:00

    Votes: 121 19.7%
  • 6:00-7:00

    Votes: 40 6.5%
  • 7:00+

    Votes: 20 3.3%

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apples & oranges

"The sequence of energy supply in a hard effort lasting less than five "

"Pacing and other strategies for competition in the mystery zone were not discussed."

Aloha Gerard
Thanks for the reference. I've been following this thread and others like it. I think that you're comparing apples to oranges. The discussion about the 'mystery zone' is based on max power. Dynamic apnea is about max distance with no timing involved (efficiency?). Power required increases as the square of the speed and dynamics are done at 25-35% of max.
There seems to be three conclusions.
Aerobic ability is good.
Bigger muscles are better.
Training should be as specific as possible.
The last one applies to statics. For three years I've tried every method I've heard of and nothing works better than just doing max statics.


Certainly, I am not mixing anything in my post. I am just offering basic information to the profane. Just read the basics. The article is not about freediving, which indeed is a special category of anaerobic type of activity that needs specific research. And this research unfortunately is inconclusive due to the lesser imporance of freediving in the capitalistic market.

Regards, gerard.
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Gerard that is some insane info. I dont do any training at all like running, swimming and all that stuff what do you call it fitness training or something. I play the x box all the time and dont do anything physical. The only training that I do is static apnea.

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You are funny Ivan

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! haaaaaaaaaaa!

I liked your response mate.

Keep playing your X-box lazy Queensland boy :p :p

I still think swimming will help you. But that's only my personal opinion mate. We are all free creatures on troubled waters.

Take care my friend.


Yeah Gerard the X box is the best thing to come out since the railgun :D . But yeah I guess swimming could help. Im looking at a way to train so that I can increase the amount of contractions I can take onboard.

Aerobic and anaerobic

I don't think that static apnea is only anaerobic. In fact the few studies on this subject had show that during apnea the Vo2 is less than in rest, that means an oxygen conservation strategy. Why will the body do that, if is only anaerobic? The anaerobic metabolism can not give us energy for a long time, it's just for short periods. I think that anaerobic metabolism has it's part at final seconds of static. The training can improve both parts and thats why I think both are important in achieving superb results.
I think the ideal training would be the following

Finish either an Ironman triathlon event, or a climb with your bike L'Alpe d'Huez at max rev,or just climb a 6000 m mountain also in record attempt of speed. Recover your self for ten minutes and soon afterwards dip into the pool for crazy statics:D.

I wish I could train right now in those ideal conditions:head

Regards, gerard.
Gerard may be right. I have heard of swimmers, who, after a long distance swim, found they could hold their breath forever. I have noticed a similar effect after long swims myself, but it doesn't happen very often, and I'm still not sure why it happens.

So, even though he was joking, he might be right.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada

I thought your best statics would come after a long rest not a long exercise because you wouldnt be stuffed and your hr would be lower.


I wasn't joking because I've experienced the same thing myself. I'm into swimming now and I've noticed improved apnea (both dynamic and wet empty lung statics) right after I swim and taking only a 5/10 minute rest.

Gee I wish I was into apnea when I was a competitive cyclist. It would be interesting to see PB results.

So when I graduate I'll be more dedicated to training and I'll be putting that into practice. Definitively lots of cycling and swimming plus altitude training. Cross-country skiing is the best choice though. It's a real endurance killer sport due to the involvement of large muscle mass.

Regards, gerard.
Originally posted by ivan
your hr would be lower

Ivan what happens is that with improved aerobic performance
-which only comes after years of dedication and regular training- you'll lower your resting HR (heart rate), and it will also reach that lowered state faster than an untrained individual. For instance Miguel Indurain (ex-cyclist), was able to lower is HR to 60 bpm after 30 s of rest.

This happens is because your heart, like other muscles you exercise, becomes stronger and more efficient, pumping a greater volume of blood with each beat. We call this cardiac output, which is the volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute. For an average size of adult (70 kg) at rest this would be about 5 litres/min. During competitive exercise it can increase to over 30 l/min. Back to Miguel Indurain, he had a resting heart rate of 28 beats per minute and could increase his cardiac output to 50 litres per minute and his heart rate to 220 beats per minute.

I'd like to know what would Miguel have achieved if he decided to become a fellow apneist.:confused:

So Ivan, I think your lap swimming times have arrived. Do you want me to go for a visit and push you into the bloody H20 or what??? :t

Take care bud, gerard.;)
"Gee I wish I was into apnea when I was a competitive cyclist. It would be interesting to see PB results. "

I don't know about right after but I was competitive spear fishing and bike racing. Two of my worst days of diving were after a 150+ km race the day before.

I heard of a guy who could normally do 5-minute statics, and after tons of (?overtraining) cardio, his statics dropped to 45-60 seconds! Boy was he upset.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
Well, this has all been very interesting...

Big Mig's MHR was supposedly 195 (not 220) and the man was a true freak of nature.

I have a theory why apneas or dynamics are easy after a good cardio session - bicarbonate ions. These are produced during aerobic exercise to buffer the blood pH to get it away from hypercapnia. They will stay in the blood stream for 5-20 minutes after a session.

I was faffing in the pool last night and found that inbetween 50m dynamics my HR wentup to 160-170 and when I did a quick static it dropped to 38 withing 15 seconds. I couldn't have held it for long but it just goes to show that the dive/breatholding reflex kicks in quickly.

hi Gerard

Im really getting tempted to do some training now that you are mentioning all these benefits. But the thing is just by sitting around home playing my you know what. My static pbs are still increasing and Im not sure if I need to train yet to reach my static goals for this year. But heck if I hit a wall or something Im seriously gonna get you to teach me a thing or to.

I nearly fell off my chair!

Originally posted by ivan

..... But the thing is just by sitting around home playing my you know what. ......

One string banjo?


Ha you made me laugh Ben nearly fell of your chair eh:D . I better explain it is what I play before someone goes off their nut. Well I play my X box, you didnt think it was something else did ya :D


I heard Indurain had a big beer belly because his lungs were so large that his organs got pushed down his abdomen.

Also on the rumour front. Ive heard some professional cyclists have blood so thick that they sleep with heart monitors on so if their heart rate drops too low they are woken up.They then have to perform exercise to bring the rate up again. If this really is caused by "thick blood" how would that effect their freediving? Could their heart rate drop too low while diving? At depth the blood thickens doesn't it? If so this could also cause problems.

After hard runs trainers would always get us to hold our breath. This seemed to reduce heart rate and allow more rapid recovery. Could this be related to the static increase after exercise effect?
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you guys!!
now I am all mixed up!

As i know static depends on how much O2 is stored in your body and your lungs. How fast you will burn that O2 stored in you depends of your metabolism. Correct?
So you are saying that i can slow down my metabolism by doing anaerobic and aerobic training, or do i increase the O2 level stored in me?

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