Hi Michael, thanks for replying.
I did hyperventilate, but no more than I always do.
I might have been tired or dehydrated, but there was nothing out of the ordinary.
It was a total mystery, because when I do dry statics, I almost always do 4:00, 4:30, 5:00 and I have only ever once had a very minor LMC with this method, out of hundreds of statics. Many times I have been in less than perfect condition, tired etc., but this has never caused a problem. I have done up to 5:30 like this without trouble.
In the pool it is a different story...
I started by doing 3:30, which felt good and I finished perfectly. For the next one I decided to go for 4:00. I felt fine, and it seemed to be going perfectly well. At 3:30 I remember thinking "I can easily do 4:30, this is really easy". I still felt good at about 3:55, then at 4:00 I started to samba and my buddy picked me up. I knew what was happening, and remember everything except his picking me up. It was an energetic LMC.
It has really put me off. I don't know what to do so it doesn't happen again. I am much more careful in the pool than with my dry statics. Maybe this is the problem - I need to do all the things I do for dry statics (long first attempt, only short rest periods between statics) and I will be fine in the pool. It seems that when I do everything wrong, I am ok, and when I try to be careful, things go wrong.
My PBs are 4:04 in the pool and 5:30 dry.
I find it very difficult to push myself now, and I have lost my nerve for long statics and dynamics in the pool.
Help..... :waterwork